Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina...the aftermath

This entry will be discussing several things related to hurricane Katrina's destruction.

(1) A lot of discussion is taking place regarding the "Blame Game". Who is responsible for why this happened.
The city of New Orleans has known that this was going to happen for over 100 years. Even when federal funds were offered in 2000, the city fathers rejected them because they said that the conditions (to be used only to shore up the levees and construct a sea wall) were too restrictive. The city fathers wanted to use the federal money (your tax dollars) for other things.
(2) Some in the arab world are claiming that the hurricane originated in their part of the world (off the west African shore) and that it was allah that is helping them. This is as absurd as those claiming that Katrina was produced by the Russians...and there are people saying that Katrina was purposely manufactured.
(3) Now we're starting to see the "Race Card" being played. The blacks are screaming that aid is so slow because they're black. This is just a set-up for future complaints and asking for freebies. If you'll notice, the only whites that you see there are those helping rescue people. That area of the Gulf Coast is predominantly black.
(4) As far as collateral damage is concerned; everyone in the world was informed that Katrina was huge (it actually wasn't as drastic as predicted) and expected to hit that area on a specific day and at a specific time. The responsibility to get out was everyone's. It seems that all the white people left by whatever means they could. Some even walked, hitchhiked, etc. The blacks stayed for several reasons; (a) being too lazy, (b) being too stupid, (c) to loot the white homes and businesses, and (d) to perpetuate their "victim mentality". If you knew a disaster was headed your way, would you stick around ?
(5) Now, the people being relocated are a threat to the areas that they are being sent to. True, most of them are totally wiped out and need our help. The ones that we have to worry about are the looters and criminals in that crowd. The word is out in the relocation areas and all the residents are arming themselves for what they expect to be a carryover of the looting they've seen on TV.
(6) The foreign press is having a "field day" with this. Their front pages are showing the looting and declaring "Anarchy in the U.S. These are the people that we send foreign aid to. Are they offering help ? NO!
They are just laughing at us.
(7) The mayor of New Orleans is saying that they're going to rebuild. Obviously, they there's money to rebuild but there wasn't to avoid this. What kind of thinking is this ? No matter what, New Orleans will never be anywhere near the same. Mardi Gras will still take place...but not there.
(8) The focus is on New Orleans. What about the rest of the coast that was destroyed in Mississippi and Alabama ? Are these areas getting any help ?
(9) Even when help comes into New Orleans, the people are shooting at them, looting, burning down businesses, etc. Do these sub-humans deserve any aid ? They've already helped themselves to what isn't theirs. It's very interesting that no matter where blacks riot, they burn down and loot their own neighborhoods...really stupid of them (remember Detroit and L.A.). I can't believe that blacks think that differently from everyone else. In this culture, that makes no sense, unless I'm missing something in their thought process.

Bottom line is to prepare for the worst condition scenario and then go about your life as you would normally do.
You might think that I'm a bigot...not true. I'm just telling it the way it is. If it were whites, Mexicans, Orientals, etc.; I would be saying the same things, but about them. It is that black victim mentality that they still haven't gotten over.


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