Sunday, September 04, 2005


First of all, I want you to understand that I fully believe in equality for all. Second, I have no allegiance to any political party. That being said, here is the real TRUTH about everything that you've been hearing and seeing in regard to the New Orleans disaster.
(1) NO LEVEES BROKE. Even if federal funds had been used to make them stronger, it would not have mattered as all of the levees held fast. What broke was the two foot wall around the city. To make this wall capable of holding back a hurricane the size of Katrina is a project that needed to be started over 20 years ago as the construction time needed for such as huge project is approximately 20-22 years and at a cost of $100,000,000 (or $5 million a year). In view of this fact, how can anyone hold the Army Corps of Engineers responsible ?
(2) Ferderal money has been offered by every administration for over 40 years and either rejected or mis-spent by the Governors of Louisiana and the Mayors of New Orleans. Upon observing that, the Clinton administration cut back on those funds drastically and the Bush administration did accordingly. However, the funds that were offered, were to be used ONLY for the sea wall construction and were rejected because they couldn't be used for anything else. In view of this fact, how can we hold the federal government responsible ?
(3) More than ample warning was given out in the newspapers, on radio and television. People started leaving immediately. Others chose to stay. I have no problem when someone makes either decision. Now we hear that only the "poor" had no means of getting out. The real TRUTH is that more than half of the "poor" were among the first to leave. No matter how poor I am, I'd find a way to get out before the hurricane arrived even if I had to walk.
Who do we want to hold responsible for those individual choices ?
(4) The most amazing observation (looking at every riot and anarchistic event in my lifetime in this country) is that it ALWAYS appears that blacks are inclined to revert back to being non-civilized. Whenever they riot, they burn down their own neighborhoods and kill their own. What is this all about ? Because it's politically incorrect to say this, no one else dare. When help in the form of police, helicopter rescue teams and even the National Guard arrived, the blacks shot at them with guns looted from the gun stores and homes. I don't want to believe that blacks are that stupid or that uncivilized. Even when they were rescued and moved to cities in Texas, they still kept up their violence to each other. What agency do we hold responsible for their actions ?
(5) Rather than focus on what can be done for the mass of homeless victims of this hurricane, the discussion now turns to (A) a racial issue, and (B) a political issue.
(A)Blacks are saying that we were too slow to react because they were black. Even the Mayor of New Orleans has changed his "tone". Before and up to Katrina hitting New Orleans, the mayor was calm and had started the evacuation and convinced everyone that he had it under control. Now, as we look back, we see that he had no control and was as incompetent as anyone else. Even the police turned into looters. There was no control of the city of New Orleans by anyone.
(B)As far as this becoming a political issue; that's a joke. Every Democrat is now blaming every Republican for something to do with this disaster from funding to preparedness. The real TRUTH is that no city in this country will ever be prepared for a major disaster (that is why the arabs can do whatever they want to us). Who should be responsible for having everything needed and all the personnel standing by for the next major disaster (and where) ?
(6) It seems that everyone is an authority on what went wrong. Even the weather reporters are being blamed for not reporting the severity or exact place that Katrina would hit land. All I know is that days before, no matter where you were in the country, your local weatherman was reporting that Katrina might be as big as a category 5 and the chances were pretty good of it crossing Florida and hitting the Gulf Coast at New Orleans. How come we all knew about this impending danger and the people of New Orleans didn't ? The TRUTH is that they did know and chose to do nothing as opposed to the people in Florida that immediately started boarding up their houses and businesses and leaving. Katrina crossed Florida as our weathermen predicted and slammed into the Gulf coast as they had predicted. How can we blame the weather reporters when they gave us as much advance warning as is possible, even predicting a category 5 when it was only a category 4 ?
(7) Now we see an outbreak of "charitable" organizations all over the country, asking for donations. There are only tree legitimate organizations to give to. They are the Salvation Army, the Catholic Charities and the Red Cross. I' not completely sure how the Catholic Charities disburse these donations but I do know that the Red Cross is such a huge bureaucracy that very little trickles down after administrative costs and all the regulations that they have. Therefore, all my money goes to the Salvation Army. Before giving to anyone, go online and check out the organization to see what percentage of your money will actually reach the needy and how long it will take.
(8) What's really amazing is that anyone would build or live in a city that was not only coastal, but below sea level. Isn't that a kind of "death wish" ? We can blame the French for establishing New Orleans, but who do we blame for building it up even further after Louisiana became a state ?

So, there you have it...pick someone to blame (I'm blaming my ex wife), vent your anger and frustration at them and then give away your money to the next person that knocks on your door. After doing that, you are ready to move on with your life.


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