Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Where's the money ???

Although federal money has been given to New Orleans for many years to maintain and build up the seawalls and levees, little to none has ever been spent on that. Where's the money ? No one seems to know.
Now that tens of millions are pouring into New Orleans, that cunning Mayor (Ray Nagin) is saying that the city is bankrupt and he can not meet the city payroll for police and firefighters. What's with that ?
It seems that Nagin knows that his career in anything is over, so I'll bet that when he leaves his post as Mayor, he retires happily with millions (or more) in a bank in the Caymen Islands.
And, still, with all of the private sector, individuals and federal money and assistance, the Governor (Kathleen Blanco) is still screwing things up.
In the meantime, the people of New Orleans have this "pipe dream" that the city will be rebuilt to the way it was and everything will be just as it was before Katrina. The French Quarter is expected to be functioning by this weekend.
The Governor made statements as to her "disappointment" that more bodies have not been found. The original estimate of 25,000 by the Mayor was just another ploy on his part to get all of us to send money ASAP.
As we all know, Louisiana is a "welfare state" that has a huge amount of our taxpayer dollars pouring in every month to support the majority of residents; and Louisiana is also in the top of the list of corrupt states.
Where has all the money been going all these years ? Where is the money that we all gave, going (the Red Cross is keeping the "lions share" of the donations to them to cover "administrative costs") ?
By the time this is all over, hundreds of billions of dollars will have poured into the state and city and there will be little to no accounting of where that money went.
Already, with the thought of "rebuilding" New Orleans, Nagin is gathering friends and family to award contracts to for the "reconstruction".
Other than actually handing cash to individual victims or giving to the Salvation Army, your money will be ill spent or end up in someone's bank account that either was not a victim or was heavily covered by insurance anyway. Even those not directly affected by Katrina, will be getting lots of money. All one has to do is get their butt down to New Orleans and get on any line to receive lottsa tax free money (whether they are legitimate or not).
There are hundreds of new websites (more than half in Europe) claiming that they are disaster you want to contribute to any of them ? The fraud and thievery that is going on is probably the biggest this country has ever seen.
My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones, cherished pets, homes and personal property. As a victim of two major earthquakes, I feel somewhat qualified to empathize with these poor people. On the other hand, I'm outraged at what's transpiring at this time with the Mayor and Governor lining their pockets before anyone can check on where all the money is. Yes, I am an advocate of greed, as without it, no progress is made. However, what's going on in this case goes way beyond the sensibilities of greed and is downright criminal. Even when some of this is exposed, no one will be prosecuted. The Mayor has already said that none of the looters will be hunted down and brought to trial as the city can't afford it. The message that I get from that is: Looting is condoned as long as it's economically sound and it's absolutely permissible in New Orleans. So, get into New Orleans, go into any business or home and take whatever you want...the law will not do anything about it.
If you follow the money, and you figure out who gets to profit from this disaster, you'll eventually call for the crucifixion of the Governor and the Mayor on the highest hill in New Orleans. That even is too kind of a treatment for those two.


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