Monday, September 12, 2005

What you didn't know about some Presidents.

Recently, I've had the opportunity to look through the notes (all well documented) of someone researching the Presidential administrations over the past 50 years. Most of what I read (and will pass some of it on to you today), are things that few of us were aware of.
Besides wanting to take over the United States with the military, Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to put the country under marshall law (thus making him a dictator) and suspending the Congress during the anti-war demonstrations in the Viet Nam era. Fortunately, his joint Chiefs of Staff, all threatened to resign, thus leaving the armed forces with no leadership.
Actually, he should have never even gotten even to the Senate. When he thought that he had lost his Senate race, it was discovered that he received an additional 202 votes from a small town (Alice) in Texas. What is of real interest is that 203 votes were counted, 202 were for him and it seems that everyone in Alice voted in the same two hour period and in alphabetical order, giving Johnson a win by 87 votes. In 1977 (4 years after LBJ's death, the election judge in Alice admitted that he was ordered to rig the election.
Although this is well documented, you won't find it in any history books (especially in Texas). Throughout his time in the White House, he "ruled" by intimidation to institute his "Great Society" programs (that have all failed and have cost us over seven trillion dollars) that have been a terrible drain on society without producing any positive results.
This was a very evil man that had in the back of his mind, becoming the Ruler of America.
Now, Bill Clinton is another outrageous administration. He sent our military overseas fourty-four times during his two terms in office. Prior to that, the military had only been sent out of the United States only eight times during the previous fourty-five years.
He ordered the Pentagon to promote no white men without disabilities without his "special permission" as a part of "affirmative action". Under his orders, the Food and Drug Administration was told to relax their requirements such as "knowledge of rules of grammar" and "ability to spell accurately" since those requirements made it more difficult to hire "underrepresented groups and individuals with poor education and disabilities". He had the U.S. Forest Service post their job listings to be headed with "Only Unqualified applicants may apply" and later it read, "Only applicants who do not meet [job requirement] standards will be considered". I have seen these postings with my own eyes. Ironically, many positions were not filled because of a shortage of unqualified applicants.
If you think that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction, consider this; the very day of Monica Lewinsky's return to the grand jury, Clinton personally ordered the bombing of the El Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries Company in Sudan. He claimed that they were manufacturing nerve gas and were funded by Osamsa bin Laden. As far as proving that nerve gas was being produced, the Clinton administration refused to give soil samples collected outside of the plant that "allegedly" contained traces of chemicals. Later, after everyone's inspections, it was proven that the factory produced over half of Sudan's human and vetinary medicines, thus cutting heavily into Sudan's economy. Remember, Bill and Hillary trying to take over 1/7 of our country's economy with their "health plan" ? Remember the over 50 mysterious deaths of Clinton "enemies" ? Remember that Clinton was only the second president to ever be impeached ?
After reading the notes that I was privileged to see, I could go on for pages with the atrocities that both of the above mentioned Presidents are responsible for. I'll tell you all about Hillary another time...


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