Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ta Da Today

What is with passing laws and then enforcing only some while ignoring others ?
When illegal aliens "march in protest", why aren't they rounded up and sent back to where they came from ? We have laws about this. ALL ILLEGALS ARE CRIMINALS...they are breaking the laws of the United States of America.
Try this...go to another country and stay beyond your visa expiration date. Try to get welfare, try to get medical attention, see if your newborn is given citizenship, try to get a job, try to own property (in your name)...the only thing you can get is a jail sentence or kicked out of that country.
Sure, we're as great as we are because we started out as a "melting pot" that was open to all. This is a different century and the need for more people is only a huge drain on the pockets of those citizen's pockets.
First of all, understan that the word Hispanic was made up in Washington D.C. and is derogatory. Those people are Latinos.
Hispanic is to Latino as Negro is to African-American (Black)...get it ?
One out of every 10 people born in Mexico lives in the United States, approximately 75% of them are here ILLEGALLY.
Now you say that they're only trying to earn a living at jobs that we Americans won't take. That's bullshit ! Most high school kids can't get a job because the jobs that they're qualified for are already taken by these criminals.
When our President went to Mexico to talk to their president about this problem, Fox practically told Bush, "F U". Mexico is a sleeping giant with huge amounts of oil, gold, fertile farmland, etc. and their government won't build up their economy. Why should he ? We supply parts of northern Mexico with water that they refuse to pay for; over $8 Billion is sent to Mexico by workers in this country each year, ALL of their medical needs are free, very few of them pay any taxes as they work for cash, once they have a baby on our soil, they are here automatically then as the mother and father of a United States citizen.
From Florida to California, the Latino population is approaching (or has surpassed) the 50% mark. Instead of declaring war on us, they are slowly invading our country. They are still pissed off that we took their land when we beat Santa Ana's army. This is starting to sound like what the arabs are doing in and with Israel. More and more of them are getting elected into public office and have forced us to become a bi-lingual country.
Go to any government office (local or federal) and request any publication or will be in both English and Spanish.
Your grandchildren will be living like most of the people south of our border unless you do something about it now.
What can you do ?
(1) Don't hire them.
(2) Report all that employ them.
(3) Report them to INS.
(4) Do not vote for them.
(5) Do not vote for anyone that isn't doing something about this problem.
(6) Demand that your school taxes are not used for bi-lingual classes or "English As A Second Language".
(7) Write to your legislatures to enforce the law and to close our borders.
(8) Make protests to their protests.
Do you want to be like France, where the student protestors got the government to "cave in" and guarantee them jobs for life (weather the y show up for work or do a good job or not).
These marches and protests are set up by outside sources.
How dare any illegal demand anything from our government ?
Why are you accepting this ? Unless you do something, your children and grandchildren are doomed.
These illegals are marching in public without fear of arrest and want to be treated like U.S. citizens. Well then, that means they should be arrested because they're breaking the law.
Not only is it politically incorrect to be anti-illegal alien, but one then is seen as a bigot.
Are you getting it yet ?
Their president is doing everything to promote this invasion. In the next 10 years the Hispanic population in this country will double. There are already over 25 Million illegals here already. They are getting all of their medical, educational and welfare needs for free (out of your pocket).
It is not their fault...IT'S YOUR FAULT; for not doing anything about it.
Start protesting today...spend 39 cents on a letter to your representatives...spend 2 minutes in sending an e-mail to your elected government officials...risk it, become politically incorrect.
This problem is bigger than you think it is.


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