Thursday, May 25, 2006

What don't you understand ???

This immigration issue has gotten out of hand. The only people that are supportive of this insanity are (1)illegal aliens, (2)representatives that want more voters to get re-elected, (3)bleeding heart liberals that haven't a clue about the reality of this problem, and (4)those that stand to profit from exploiting the illegal aliens.
I say that this nation was built by immigrants. The TRUTH is that almost everyone that came into this country before 1950, entered legally. They learned the language, became citizens and worked to support themselves and their families. From 1925 to 1965, immigration actually decreased and during that time we built the richest nation in the world (without illegal aliens). Only 4 1/2% of the population that built this country during those years were immigrants. This was not a nation filled with illegal aliens, but a nation full of "pioneers". The argument is that we all are related to immigrants except for the American Indians that were here first...anyone born and raised here in the United States of America is by definition a NATIVE AMERICAN...not black, hispanic, asian, african-american etc. My relatives came from Europe and when I have to check one of those "ethnic" squares, I always check NATIVE AMERICAN. When I'm asked "what tribe", I say "United States".
This is 2006...why do we keep those antiquated laws ??? This is the ONLY country in the world that allows an illegal aliens newborn instant citizenship, thus allowing the illegal mother and father (as well as them bringing the rest of their family) to be here legally. This law HAS TO BE REMOVED.
Legal immigrants are here by following the rules and with the approval of Congress and all Americans.
Some say that we have lots of room for more people. As far as room is concerned, every country has lots of room. The illegals primarily invade our high population centers and deplete the areas by (1)increasing crime, (2) bringing down property values, (3) using up public services (that they're not entitled to)and take jobs that Americans would take.
Another issue that keeps coming up is diversity. We are the most diverse nation in the world. Who determines what level of diversity is adequate ? We (Americans) are so diverse that it is becoming impossible for some of us to know what our origins are.
Why do illegals with phony social security cards not get prosecuted like a citizen would be ? All of the documentation you'll ever need (social security, drivers license, U.S. passport, credit cards, etc.)can be easily purchased either on the internet or in any crowded city.
These illegals (and their misinformed supporters) argue that they just come here for a better life. The TRUTH is that most of them come here with no intent of a better life, but just to make some money to send back to their country. Of course, everyone wants a better life. It is said that they only take the jobs that Americans won't. That's a flat out lie. There is hardly a high school or college student that won't take those jobs. In the construction trades, in our larger cities, an illegal alien can make over $50,000/ year without paying taxes , social security, medicare, union dues, etc. There are many countries whose economy is far below ours but we aren't being invaded by them like the Latinos are doing. Mexico has a better economy than Denmark and I don't see any Danes illegally pouring into Mexico (or even here). Where are all the "illegal Danes" ? Luxembourg has a better economy than ours and yet I've never heard of an American going to Luxembourg illegally to seek work.
Understand, that this is not a racial or ethnic matter. The illegals are "bleeding us dry" and invading our country. The numbers will never be known...some say that there are 12 million here and others say it's as high as over 20 million.
President Reagan thought that amnesty would solve the problem and all it did was send a message; come to the United States and they will give you amnesty of your illegal entry. Right now, your Congress is about to give this country away while they spit in the faces of all those that came here legally. If you vote in any incumbnant, you deserve to lose everything that this congress is taking from you. Under the proposed amnesty, illegals will have more rights and benefits than ordinary citizens.
Why aren't you doing something about this ??? Are you just lazy, or just stupid ? Either way, anyone doing nothing is part of the problem...anyone voting for any congressman or senator that is now in office becomes part of the problem. Anyone that is "understanding" of the illegal aliens "plight" IS the problem.
Wake up, get informed, become active........before it's too late.


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