Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Saying it like it is...

I know, I haven't had an entry in my blog for several weeks...and so many of you have written to me asking for some new stuff. Well, I've been spending a lot of time researching various topics and islam is one that is overwhelmingly filled with untruths and misinformation, so I'll start with the actual truth about some of the things that we've been told about islam, but are not true.

Just like the Russian's claim that they invented television and , more recently, that Al Gore invented the internet; the muslims are claiming to be first in many scientific, architectural, arts, etc. Well, here's the truth about that.

We've all "heard" that the muslims had invented the dome.
The design of the dome for mosques (a source of pride among muslims) was copied from from Byzantine architecture and was developed over 1,000 years before there was a muslim.
We "hear" that the muslims created philosophy. Wrong!!! The muslim philosophers copied everything from the Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Galen, Plato, Hippocrates, etc.
Of course, you'd be wasting your time looking for any classics in muslim music as muslims are not capable of even understanding music.
As far as the great works of art...there are none that were created by the muslims.
Even what we call arabic numbers (that we use today)was stolen from India as well as the concept of the zero (which was conceived long before there were muslims).

Bottom line is that no muslim ever invented or created anything of value to the world. There is a reason for this. With mohammed coming down from the mountain and offering the koran as "the word", the only progress that was permitted under islamic law was war and conquest. Since the arabs of his time all lived like the animals that they tended, and the rest of the world was building civilizations, mohammed gathered all the disgruntled arabs and formed great armies and then proceeded to conquer other territories outside of the middle east.
Truthful history shows us that this perverted "leader" mohammed had only one thing on his mind...killing of anyone not muslim, taking of their possesions, raping their women and destruction of their cities. This allowed no time to persue anything other than war.

So, when you hear any unimformed person claim that the muslims were the first in anything, challenge them to prove it...they can't. ALL of man's advancements were done outside of the arab world either before or after the advent of islam. The only thing that I can find about a "great arab" is references to a few of their military leaders and the huge contest between them as to how many thousands of people they slaughtered.

Please remember...ALL muslims have an OBLIGATION to either convert you, enslave you or kill you. Their koran gives them permission to LIE to you in order to advance islam (see koran 3:28).
The koran is actually a manual about war and subservience.
Be extremely careful of the muslims that you know...they will tell you anything to try to convince you that they are peaceloving and your friend...THEY ARE NOT !


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