Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm shocked...

What the heck is going on ???

I'm totally surprised that:

(1)With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pres. of Iran coming to the U.N. in New York, where were the Jewish protestors ? This is a man that has sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. He is trying to build an atomic bomb to use on Israel. He has ignored all of the requests of the U.N. to stop his nuclear advances over and over again. Why is he even allowed to speak in front of the U.N. ?
(2) How dare Hugo Chavez, Pres. of Venezuela spew his venom about our President in the U.N. ? If our President went to his country and said anything against him, there would be riots in their streets as well as violence threatened.
My biggest shock was seeing George Bush doing nothing about this. Our President just sat back (with his tail between his legs) and did not hold an immediate press conference to attack this hitlerian back.

What good is the U.N. ? We pay for 80% of it. What is the taxpayer getting for his/ her money ? We allow all of our enemies into New York to laugh at us and plot our destruction. Without the support and participation of the United States, the U.N. cannot exist.
What have they ever done without our troops ? Nothing !
What good does any resolution they've passed have ? Nothing !
What do we get out of belonging to the U.N. ? Nothing !
When are we going to get out of the U.N. ? The majority of its members are anti-U.S. yet we pay millions of dollars each year to maintain that building in New York which would be better served as either office space, bringing in income; or if one wants to continue to take this loss, it could house the homeless.

What really pisses me off is the millions of taxpayer dollars in aid that we send to Iran and Venezuela each year and they have the nerve to come into our country and speak disrespectfully of our country and our President.

Write to your Congressmen and Senators and demand that we cease sending money to the countries that are our enemies. Without our dollars they could not build their weapons and would rely on trade with us instead. We are the largest debtor nation in the world and still give away millions of dollars every year to nations that want our destruction. This makes no sense.

Write to your Congressmen and Senators demanding that we GET OUT OF THE U.N. and have it moved out of our country. It's a waste of our money and the building that houses it.

And most importantly, vote against anyone that is supportive of either our staying in the U.N. or any representative that wants foreign aid to continue being given to our enemies such as Iran and Venezuela. Stop our leaders from throwing away your tax money.
Notice that we give millions to China, Pakistan, Afganistan and North Korea every year in "foriegn aid". They in turn spend that money on arms to be used against us. Are we stupid or crazy ?

DO SOMETHING TODAY about's your obligation as a citizen of the greatest country on earth.


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