Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm pissed...

I've been getting reports about what's really going on in Iraq. These reports are from servicemen coming back from Iraq as well as other credible sources.
I've been a supporter of us being there to help "those poor people" establish a government to rule themselves under democracy.

After looking at all the data that I've compiled, I cannot support our sending a single American to that area.
First of all, the gov't. that is set up there now is so corrupt that nothing happens without huge amounts of graft taking place (in U.S. dollars) at every level. Every member of their new gov't. is filling their pockets while we have our troops getting injured and dieing. The latest pictures that I received today show our soldiers painting houses for them.
If we are painting their houses and rebuilding their buildings, then who is fighting the insurgents ? Obviously, we have too many troops over there. While we use our troops to spend taxpayer money to improve their homes and neighborhoods, they just watch and are laughing at us.
The muslims have more than doubled their core of suicide bombers and other volunteers worlwide.
Sure, it appears that we're safer than we were 5 years ago because there hasn't been another 9/ long do you think this will continue ? On 9/11 there were approximately 20 million trained terrorists in the world. Today, there are over 50 million and growing.

If we really want to win this war over terrorism; the only true solution is to fight this war from the air. We don't need a single American on the ground. We can level any city or country in less than a weekend.
Besides their NOT WANTING DEMOCRACY, all muslims are dedicated to the destruction of the United States.
We send "foreign aid" to every muslim country in the world and they either pocket that money or use it to buy weapons to use against us.

I'm embarrassed to say that I'm against our being there. I have always been a supporter of this war; but now I realize that we are just spending our money and spilling our blood for nothing. I am totally for the eradication of islam and this can be done very quickly and very inexpensively. Once we get off of being "politically correct" nice guys, and say it the way it is, we can then proceed to get the cancer known as islam removed from this planet.
Please vote in every election; but vote out anyone in office now (regardless of their party affiliation) as it's their fault that your tax dollars and American blood is being wasted on ungrateful people whose only goal is to see all Americans dead.

muslims DO NOT WANT DEMOCRACY...muslims are not interested in FREEDOM...muslims only want non-muslims dead.

It's either kill all of them or be killed by them...Your choice !


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