Friday, January 19, 2007

Who am I ?

The other day someone asked me if I was liberal, conservative or moderate. I've given this some thought and looked at where I stand on hundreds of issues.

I don't stand around not picking a side and hoping someone else will vote in my place. I have definite opinions. I am not afraid to voice my opinions. I do not believe that everyone should be equal. Therefore, I certainly am not a MODERATE.

I don't believe in "leveling the playing field". I don't try to give away your hard earned money to those that didn't earn it. I don't believe that the successful people should be penalized and the failures should be rewarded. I don't believe in being politically correct, as political correctness is always a lie; and I'm not afraid to be honest. I don't need everyone to like me. Therefore, it's impossible for me to declare that I'm a LIBERAL.

I do believe in competition. I do believe in natural selection. I do believe in the incentive to do better. I do believe in keeping what's mine, and you having what's yours. I do believe in political incorrectness. I do believe in freedom. I do not try to "interpret" the Constitution; I accept it for what it says. I do not condemn those whose opinions differ from mine. I am not afraid to "say it the way it is". I love my country regardless of any of its shortcomings. I try to do something about the things that I think need correcting, rather than just sit around and "bitch" about it. I do not expect my government to take care of my needs and wants. I am self supporting. I guess that I'm a CONSERVATIVE.

As being a CONSERVATIVE, I realize that there are extreme levels of that, from Hitlerian dictatorship to agreeing with conservative points of view but being afraid to speak up. My stance is somewhere inbetween these extremes. So, now if there was any doubt, you (and I) know who I am politically. Isn't it time that you looked at where you stand on all of the issues that confront us and determine where you stand?
It's OK for you to be moderate or liberal as mental illness is very acceptable in our society these days.
As you notice in my blogs, that I have never been afraid of your ire when you disagree with my writings. I am always open to hear your opposing view as there might (I doubt it) be some merit to it.
So, quit telling yourself lies and own up to who you are. I just did...........


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Tikkun said...

Who are you?

You are a nobody. A voice in the wilderness that no one will hear. A nigger with no master. Look at the futility of your efforts. Who do you think is reading your shit? Besides myself, who happened to stumble upon your pile of dung using the random blog selection function.

Hint: If anyone was listening to you, there would be comments after your postings. I've counted exactlty 3 comments in the last year. So continue writing your trite, rehashing of what you heard on right wing radio and delude yourself into believing someone gives a shit about what you have to say.

You are clearly a small man who never finished anything in life and has delusions of grandeur.

At 5:26 AM, Blogger The wize one said...

If you were on my "Alert list", you would see that I get over 1200 e-mails (97% in agreement) after each entry.
Althoigh I appreciate your point of view, your comments aren't very specific as to what you disagree with.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger curious one said...

I know who u-r and u-no-who
I am. In reference to "tikkun said"....I happen to have known this person for over thirty yr's and he is not a nigger! How dare u use that word, especially when u- know not to whom you are addressing it to.
If you, "tikkun" were not interested in the blog, then why have u been checking into it the past year???? huh??


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