Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Doing their job...

I can't believe how well our government is protecting us.
First, they put our soldiers in prison for "fooling around" in an Iraq prison. Then they prosecute any soldiers following orders in fighting this "undelared war".
Now, they've put two agents that ere protecting our border for shooting an illegal alien drug smuggler in the ass when he crossed into the U.S. to deliver his illegal drugs.
Not only are these agents serving 11 & 12 years in prison, but the drug smuggler has been offered amnesty and is suing the U.S. for violation of his civil rights.
I, and everyone else, is getting the message that if you are doing your job in protecting the U.S., you go to jail for it.
What is going on ? Has our President and our Congress gone mad ? Are we that worried about what our enemies will think about us ?
If we go to jail for fighting our enemy in a war and go to jail for protecting our border(s), what do we do ? Do we ignore anyone that wants to kill us ? Do we ignore illegal aliens sneaking into our country ? Do we ignore drug smugglers doing their job ?
What the hell is going on ? Someone, please tell me if the "rules" have changed ?
How can you, the people of the United States ignore this ?
If our President doesn't pardon all of those soldiers and those agents, what is the incentive then for anyone doing their job in protecting us ? It seems that if I really want to go to jail, I'll go to work for national security or join the army and when I do the best job that I can...Ta Da, I get to go to prison.
It looks like it's every man for himself. Arm yourself as your government appears to no longer be in the business of protecting you. You are your only protection from now on.


At 5:40 PM, Blogger €ric said...

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At 5:58 PM, Blogger €ric said...

How many laws should we allow law enforcement officials to break? Speeding is OK, even if they are just on their way home. Maybe we let them beat up a few people, as long as it's no one we know.

We could also let them shoot people we don't like, right?

Those who are paid to uphold the law should be also be accountable for following the laws.


"evidence showed that around 1 p.m. on Feb. 17, 2005, Davila initially
ran from the agents, but tried to surrender with his empty hands
raised after Compean pointed a shotgun at him. When Compean tried to push Davila to the ground with his gun, the agent tripped and fell.
Davila then ran toward the Rio Grande River and Mexico. Compean chased Davila, firing at him with his pistol 14 times, pausing once to
reload, Sutton said. Ramos shot once and struck Davila in the buttocks."

"Neither agent made any further effort to apprehend him, Sutton said, and they threw away the fired shell casings and filed a false report omitting the confrontation."

"If Compean and Ramos truly believed Aldrete [Davila] was a threat,
why did they abandon him after shooting him?" Sutton asked. "And if
they truly believed the shooting was justified, why did they not report it, leave the scene undisturbed, and let the investigation absolve them? The answer to these questions are simple. The agents knew that Aldrete did not pose a threat as he fled, they knew the shooting was unjustified and unlawful, and they knew an investigation would incriminate them. So they chose to cover up their crimes."


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