Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hard to believe

Although it's true, I find it hard to believe that there is a bill sitting on our Presidents desk, ready for him to sign, that gives all ILLEGAL aliens that have work for 18 months or longer (illegally) the same Social Security benefits that legal Americans now receive.
Bush hasn't failed at securing our borders; he has REFUSED to do anything about the Mexican invasion except give them more incentive to invade our country.
There are more murders each year done by illegal aliens than there are deaths of our soldiers in Iraq.
And, now Congress and our President want to give them amnesty.
We don't need to worry about a war on terrorism; our country is being invaded by an army of poor, uneducated, immoral people that have no regard for social standards or America.
If you don't do something - anything - about this, then you better learn to speak Spanish and arm yourself at once. Some states have close to or more than a 50% Latino population and they are getting into public offices. I wouldn't be surprised if our next President (or the one after that) was an illegal alien.
Even though Barak Hussein Obama was born in another country, went to muslim schools and refuses to admit to being a muslim, at least he's here legally.
We don't need a 20 foot fence at our border; we need a 50 foot cement wall. It worked well in Germany when the Russians put up their wall. It will work here as well. With a cement wall, armed guards everywhere and all laws enforced, will give us control of our borders and our country.
Write to your representatives today...tell them that you're fed up with this illegal alien invasion before they give our country away................


At 5:35 PM, Blogger €ric said...,2933,244193,00.html

At 5:36 PM, Blogger €ric said...,2933,244193,00.html


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