Monday, May 21, 2007

Boiling frogs...

We all know the way to boil a frog is by putting him in the pot of cool water; then we gradually turn up the heat until the water comes to a full boil and the frog is well done. The frog doesn't pay attention to the slight increases in temperature and by the time it's too hot; it's too late for him to do anything about it.
The United States has become the frog in the pot.
First we (little by little) have let Hispanics get voted into local political offices until, over time, some of them have politically climbed to levels of government where they have been voted into becoming Governors, Senators and Congressmen.
Now that there are enough of them in these important offices, they are forcing pro-illegal alien bills upon us. Regardless what terminology that you use, giving illegals any rights whatsoever is still AMNESTY.
By letting 12 million + illegal aliens (mostly from Mexico) have this amnesty will wipe out all of our tax dollars in free education, free medical, free welfare, free food stamps, etc. They contribute very little to the tax rolls as most of them (that work), are working for cash and pay NO TAXES.
Between federal, state and local governments, over 12 trillion dollars a year are picking up the cost of the benefits that these illeagals are taking from us.
The Mexican government is doing everything in its power to encourage this mass invasion into our country. The Mexican government is doing nothing about boosting its economy to keep workers in Mexico, it has a poor (at best) educational system, it prints pamphlets telling Mexicans how to cross the border and where they can find sanctuary in the U.S. once they illeagally enter the U.S., etc. The pot is starting to boil...
Now we not only have the Mexican invasion and laws being passed in their favor but we are about to put a "second frog in the pot"; the muslim invasion...
Every day, more muslims are entering this country illeagally. They have voted in muslims in local governmental positions throughout the country and even a candidate for President of the United States (Obama). Once the muslims get into office, they will changed the laws (and the Constitution) until the United States is a muslim country.
It's bad enough that we're all going to have to learn to speak Spanish (or at least Mexican), but do you want to live under radical fundamentalist muslim law ??? I know I don't.
Please, in all your elections; but do not vote for Hispanics or muslims...neither has your best interests in mind.
Between the Hispanic takeover of our country and the coming muslim takeover...your freedom, prosperity and happiness will be eradicated


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