Thursday, April 12, 2007

A conversation...

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to overhear a conversation between a "non-radical" islamic and a conservative Christian.

Why are the different chapters in the koran so contradictory ?
Anyone can take whatever parts of the quran they wish to live their lives by.

I've read it (the koran) all the way through and it's a book about war, destruction, enslavement and terror.
Oh no... no... no. The quran is the outline for a religion of peace, love and tolerance.

What are you reading ??? The koran that I read, spoke about killing, enslaving or converting anyone that wasn't a muslim.
You only read what your preconceived mind let you read. The quran that I know is all about loving our fellow man.

To change the subject; let me ask you about what's going on in the world of islam today. What will it take to stop all of this terrorism ?
Those people that you call terrorists are merely following their faith to allah. The truth is that islam will prevail. You Americans are the only ones doing anything to resist it. You will lose this resistance because you are a divided nation that has a vested interest by the liberal left of your country in islam winning. Your political correctness will let you do little to nothing regardless of what islam does to you or anyone else. It took 9/11 before you did anything; and even that is minimal. Your armed forces are wearing down; your Congress will not even permit them to win your war in Iraq. Ir will not be long before you are unable to even defend your own country.

So, what can we do to stop this insanity ?
There is nothing that you will do because of your fear of other's opinions. If after the first attempt to destroy the Trade Center, you had blown Mecca off the face of the earth, blown up all mosques and islamic religious sites around the world and imprisoned all islamists in your country, that certainly would have made me rethink this jihad. What has taken place since then, could never have happened. You are too weak and afraid to act appropriately. You don't understand that we are NOT afraid to are though. We don't care what other nations think about do though. We are not addicted to are though.
There are enough of us (islamics) already in your country to destroy it now; but your leaders are doing the job for us.
If I turned on my TV and saw Mecca destroyed and millions of Americans cheering, I'd be very afraid. However, it is the other way and you will be the ones that are afraid.

What about all of the peaceful muslims; why should they be penalized ?
It is every muslims duty to make this an all muslim world by any means. I am a non-militant, peaceful muslim. If all of the muslims that are active in the destruction of the United States were gone, it would become my duty to continue the fight. I can only remain peacefull until I am is so written in the quran. As a muslim, I am bound to follow the teachings of the quran. I have no choice. You have a choice; and that is to convert or suffer the consequences.

Apparently you are not very open minded at all.
This has nothing to do with open mindedness; this is about my belief in the true God, allah.
You Christians only follow your bible when it's convenient. The rest of the time you violate it. You are not dedicated to you beliefs enough to sacrifice everything for what you claim to believe; I am...

...and so the conversation went on and on. Now, this was a "peaceful, non-militant" muslim speaking, not a radical terrorist. That scares the hell out of me, even though he is being quite realistic coming from his beliefs. Maybe we could take a lesson from this.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger AstroJew said...

Frightning Indeed


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