Thursday, April 12, 2007

On being insulted...

What's the matter with everyone these days ? It seems that no matter how "tough skinned" some people represent themselves as being; they're really hypocrites. They are insulted by some of the most ridiculous things.
We've gotten so afraid of saying anything that is "politically incorrect", that when something is said, they come out of the woodwork to complain.
For instance; let's look at the furor over a statement by Imus on the radio. So he referred to some girls (that he doesn't know) as Ho s. Big deal.....................
I understand CNBC running like the wind to distance themselves from him because of their "fear" of getting hate mail. However, what exactly did he do wrong ? He pissed off a few people on the Rutgers team by his use of FREE SPEECH.
Doesn't our Constitution guarantee our right of free speech any longer ?
Some of you have never heard the speeches given in mosques and some churches...they are full of hatred for another group. There will always be groups of people that are openly prejudiced against another group. The KKK is an example of a group that is openly against blacks, Catholics and Jews. According to the constitution, they are free to feel and think the way they do as long as they don't break any laws. Personally, I think that they're what.
Almost anything we say can be considered offensive to someone. How did you all get to be so sensitive ? I believe that everyone (especially those that consider themselves minorities) are just looking for a reason to be "offended" so they can find something to do with their mundane lives such as protesting, marching, rioting, etc.
If you continue to be offended by any little thing that is said, you're gonna be pissed off all of the time.
What I've noticed is that the black community and the muslim community are not only the biggest protesters of politically incorrect speech; but they are also the biggest offenders, using very upsetting speech in their day-to-day communication.
Yes, I've singled out two minorities. The reason is that they're the ones making the most noise about something that they are the most guilty of. When a person is referred to as a Redneck or Whitey, no one is upset and usually sees the humor in it. Try using the "N" word and watch what happens. Try calling a muslim a "terrorist" and see what happens.
By now, we all should have become tough skinned enough to not have anything said affect us to the point where we get angry.
Political correctness has forced people to become hypocrites and liars due to their being afraid to say what they're thinking. Everyone has biases and prejudices (except those that lie about it).
I laugh when I hear someone say, "Some of my best friends are --------------". That's nonsense. Some my best friends are not humans; they're my dogs. My best friends are not of any particular race, religion, nationality, etc. I couldn't care less what someone's background is; what matters is, do I like them and do they like me. Every group has a mixture of sensible and stupid people. I'm against the stupid ones.
No matter how we refer to someone, they can say it was offensive. As an example; when I called someone a human being, they became irate and screamed at me that they were more than just a human being. Isn't that absurd ? Quit worrying about who you're going to offend; you're offending everyone anyway...just look in the mirror (LOL). Quit paying attention to what people call you. None of it matters anyway.
Too bad if this upset you...............................


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