Sunday, June 17, 2007

the "Amnesty Bill"

Although all of you that read my blog and are "upset" about the illegal invasion into our country, you've done NOTHING about it. You haven't even taken the time to read the Immigration Bill.
Well, I've read it for you and am letting you know some of the "perks" that are in it that will be costing you in more ways than just your pocket.
The Immigration Bill, under any name is still an Amnesty Bill. Amnesty is defined as "a general pardon by a government".
There are so many things wrong with this bill that I can't believe anyone could say yes to it. Over 90% of Americans are against the "Amnesty Bill" and yet our representatives are trying to "push it" through to become law. Now, that I've done all of the "work" for you, at least read this blog and start doing something such as writing, e-mailing, calling, etc. your representatives and voicing your concern. I know that it's longer than most of my blogs, but please become educated by reading it all. This information will strengthen your arguments against this amnesty bill.

Here are a few of the things that are very very wrong with it:

(A) After filing an application and waiting 24 hours, illegal aliens will receive full "probationary benefits", complete with the ability to legally live and work in the U.S., travel outside of the U.S. and return, and their own Social Security card. Astonishingly, if the amnesty applications are never "approved", the "probationary benefits" granted to the illegal alien population never expire, and the new Social Security cards issued to the illegal alien population are not revoked.
(See pp. 1, 290-291, & 315)

(B) The biometric border check-in/ check-out system first required by Congress in 1996 that is already well past its already postponed 2005 implementation due date - to be in place before new worker or amnesty programs can begin. Without the U.S. Visit exit portion, the U.S. has no method to ensure that workers (or their visiting families) do not overstay their visas. Our current illegal population contains over 5.5 million visa overstays, therefore, we know that the U.S. Visit exit component is key to a successful new temporary worker program.
(See pp.1-2)

(C) The bill does not require the Department of Homeland Security to have detention space sufficient to end"catch and release" at the border and in the interior. Even after the adoption of amendment 1172 that requires the addition of 4,000 detention beds, bringing DHS to a 31,500 bed capacity. This is far short of the 43,000 beds required under current law to be in place by the end of 2007, or the additional 20,000 beds required later in the bill.
Additionally, the bill establishes a "catch, pay, and release" program. This policy will benefit illegal aliens from countries other than Mexico that are caught at the border, then can post a $5,000 bond, be released and NEVER show up for deportation hearings.
Claims that the bill "expands fencing" are inaccurate. The bill only requires 370 miles of fencing to be completed, while current law already mandates that more than 700 miles be constructed.
(See pp.1-1, 10-11 and The Secure Fence Act of 2004)

(D) Aliens that broke into the U.S. illegally a mere 5 months ago, are treated better than foreign nationals who legally applied to come to the U.S. more than two years ago. Aliens who can prove they were illegally in the U.S. on January 1, 2007, are immediately eligible to apply from inside the U.S. for amnesty benefits, while foreign nationals that filed applications to come to the U.S. after May 1, 2005 must start the application process over again from their home countries. Last year's bill required illegal aliens to have been here before January 7, 2004 to qualify for permanent legal status.
(See pp. 263, 282, 306)

(E) Legal status must be granted to illegal aliens 24 hours after they file an application, even if the aliens have not yet "passed all appropriate background checks". Last year's bill gave DHS 90 days to check an aliens background before any status was granted. No legal status should be given to any illegal alien until all appropriate background checks are complete,
(See pp. 290)

(F) Those who have sexually abused a minor are eligible for amnesty. A child molester who committed the crime before this bill is enacted is not barred from getting amnesty.
(See p. 47; 30-33, & p. 48; 1-2)

(G) Illegal aliens (including but not limited to muslims) with terrorism connections are not barred from getting amnesty. An illegal alien seeking immigration benefits must show "good moral character". Last years bill specifically barred aliens with terrorism connections from having "good moral character" and being eligible for amnesty. This years bill does neither.
Additionally, the bill ignores the Administration's request that changes be made to asylum, cancellation of removal, and withholding of removal statutes in order to prevent aliens with terrorist connections from receiving relief.
(See p. 287 of S.A. 1150)

(H) Instead of ensuring that members of violent gangs such as MS 13 are deported after "coming out of the shadows" to apply for amnesty, the bill will allow violent gang members to get amnesty as long as they "renounce" their gang membership on their application.
(See p. 289; 34-36)

(I) Aliens who have already had their day in court (those subject to final orders of removal, voluntary departure orders, etc.) are eligible for amnesty under this bill. The same is true for aliens who have made a false claim to citizenship or engaged in document fraud. More than 650,000 alien fugitives could be covered by this loophole.
(See p. 285; 19-22 which waives the following inadmissibility grounds: failure to attend a removal proceeding, final orders of removal for alien smuggling; aliens unlawfully present after previous immigration violations or deportation orders; and aliens previously removed. This appears to conflict with language on p. 283; 40-41. When a direct conflict appears in a statute, the statute is interpreted by the courts to the benefit of the alien).

Not enough to get you upset yet ??? Then I'll list some more that might get your ire up.

(J) Illegal aliens are not required to demonstrate and proficiency in English for more than 10 years after they are granted amnesty. All other legal aliens must show their proficiency in English before receiving any benefits. Learning English is not required for an illegal alien to receive benefits.
A Z-visa renewal requires only that the alien demonstrate an "attempt" to learn English by being on a "waiting list" for English classes.
(See pp.295-296)

(K) Current illegal aliens and new guest workers will be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, a refundable tax credit designed to encourage American citizens to work. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this loophole will cost the U.S. taxpayer well over $25 billion dollars. To be consistent with the intent of the 1996 welfare reforms - which limited new immigrants from receiving public benefits until they had been legal permanent residents for 5 years - the bill should withhold any public benefits from amnestied aliens until they become legal permanent residents. Closing this loophole will save the taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. All that will be required for public benefits is a Social Security number. Nothing in the bill's tax provisions limit an aliens eligibility. The issuance of Social Security numbers to aliens as soon as they apply for amnesty will ensure they are able to qualify for public benefits immediately.
(See p. 293 after S.A. 1190)

(L) Records from day-labor centers, labor unions, and "sworn declarations" from any non-relative (friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.) are to be accepted as evidence that the illegal alien has satisfied the bills amnesty requirements. This low burden of proof will invite massive fraud and even more illegal immigration - even aliens who are not yet in the U.S. will likely meet this burden of proof. DHS will not have the resources to examine whether the claims contained in the "sworn declarations" of the alien's friends, are actually valid.
(See p.293; 13-16)

(M) At the expense of the taxpayer, free legal council and the fees and expenses of arbitrators will be provided to aliens that have been working illegally in agriculture. The U.S. taxpayer will fund the attorneys that help these individuals fill out their amnesty applications (at $300/ hr.). Additionally, if these individuals have a dispute with their employer over whether they were fired for "just cause", DHS will pay the fees and expenses of the arbitrator.
(See p. 339; 37-41, & p. 332; 37-38)

(N) In-state tuition and other higher education benefits, such as Stafford Loans, will be made available to current illegal aliens that are granted intial "probationary" status, even if the same in-state tuition rates are not offered to all U.S. citizens. This would violate current law (8 U.S.C. 1623) which mandates that educational institutions give citizens the same educational benefits they offer to illegal aliens.
(See p. 321; 8-31)

(O) The new "parent" visa contained in the bill which allows parents of citizens, and their spouses and children of new temporary workers, to visit a worker in thec United States is not only a misnomer, but also an invitation to higher rates of overstays. This new visa specifically allows all relatives of new temporary workers who intend to abandon their residence in a foreign country to qualify to come to the U.S. to "visit". The visa requires only a $1000 bond, which will be forfeited when, not if, family members of new temporary workers decide to overstay their 30 day visit.
(See p. 277; 1-33, and p. 276; 38-43)

(P) Chain immigration (the bringing in of relatives) will not be illiminated until 2016. Until then, it is estimated (on the low end) that immigration will triple.
(See pp. 260; 13, p. 270; 29, pp.271; 17)

(Q) Payment of any back taxes is not required for amnesty. Since the bill does not contain any language relating to back taxes, nor require any past years of employment as a prerequisite for amnesty, the amendment essentially only requires proof of payment of taxes for future work in the U.S., not payment of back taxes.
(See p. 307 & p. 293 and p.2; 19-20)

(R) Illegal aliens who apply for Z visa status but do not qualify, will be able to collect Social Security credits for the years they worked illegally. An illegal alien who is denied a Z visa status but continues to work illegally in the U.S. will accumulate Social Security credits.
(See pp. 316; 8-16, and pp. 315; 32-39)

(S) The criminal fines an illegal alien is required to pay to receive amnesty are less than the bills criminal fines for paperwork violations committed by U.S. citizens, and can be paid in installments.
(See p. 287; 34, p. 317; 9, p. 315; 6-8)

There are many more of these absurd things in this amnesty bill. I'm just getting tired of typing for now...and you probably are tired of reading by now. So, if any of the above angered you, please DO SOMETHING about it. Our representatives are shoving this bill down our throats in total disregard of what the voters want. By your not doing anything, you are in agreement that this is a good bill and should become law.


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