Sunday, June 24, 2007

Too little...too late

Well, after all these years, the House of Representatives is finally doing something right. They finally voted on cutting off all aid to Saudi Arabia.
What does Saudi Arabia need aid for ? They are making billions of dollars every week and yet we've been sending them taxpayer money. Could this be a bribe to have them join us in the war against terrorism ? Obviously that isn't it as over 60% of the suicide bombers are from Saudi Arabia.
Next, they have to cut off aid to North Korea as well as every nation that is either our enemy or supporting terrorism (and that's a huge list).
The government just "throws" money at all kinds of things that are either for a special interest group or totally not needed. If they stopped giving away money to other countries and grants for ridiculous things, we could eliminate poverty in this country as well as pay off the national debt.
At this time, we are the largest debtor nation in the world, with countries like Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, etc. holding "IOUs" from the United States in the form of treasury notes and U.S. currency. On any given day, any of these countries could "dump" their treasury notes on the open market and crash the value of the dollar to zero, making all of you penniless and destitute.
You need to write to your representatives and "congratulate" them for voting out the aid for Saudi Arabia and encourage them to do the same for other countries.


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