Sunday, December 02, 2007

From the start to NOW...

I know that you've all missed any entries in this blog for over 5 months. Well, I've been looking into some of the problems that we are facing and the obvious solutions to those problems. For a copy of my findings, just send a request to

Well, now I'm back...

This blog is about how we got to this point in time that is threatening man's future existence.

Contrary to your belief that "in the beginning there was nothing..."; there has always been energy and intellect. Due to the fact that the universe operates in a random manner, it took millions of eons for energy and intellect to finally merge. With this emergence, came the order of what occurs as various things combine. One of these combinations produced what we call "The Big Bang" and our part of the universe began. Randomly, the planets were formed and we know the rest of the story of how life (as we know it) on this planet finally emerged until humans started to roam this planet.
Humans figured out that if they formed into groups and cooperated with one another that their survival was greatly enhanced. As these humans made progress they came across a myriad of things that they had no understanding of and assigned them names and forms, giving these non-entities responsibility for anything that these humans had no control over. Names and forms were created for these non-entities and they were referred to as "gods". Since humans saw themselves as part of nature, this posed no problem.
Now the story takes a grave turn.
About 5800 years ago, one of these humans (named Abraham) decided that it was very confusing to have "gods" for every little thing so he came up with the concept of a single "god" and the religion of Judaism was born and that's when man first developed his separation from nature. Eventually rules (laws) were established (the Ten Commandments) and five books were written (the Old Testament) to tell a series of miraculous stories to enhance the dogma of this belief system.
Judaism grew until about 2000 years ago with the crucifixion of Jesus, someone thought that Judaism wasn't restrictive enough so Christianity was born and 350 years later, the New Testament was written, adding miraculous stories to increase the dogma of this new belief system. Now we had two opposing belief systems (religions), both with the same origins and the same single "god" and no connection with nature any longer. Each thought that they were the correct interpretation of what God wanted and had many conflicts about this.
Then, about 1500 years ago, a man was banished from his town because of his insane and radical ramblings. This man (Mohammad) went up into the mountains and plotted his revenge. He took specific things from both the Old and New Testaments and added very harsh and restrictive rules to create islam. This was all written into what is known as the quran.
The problem with this third religion, although it has the same God, the same origins (Abraham) and the same separation from nature, it adds a concept that is problematic. Neither Judaism or Christianity call for the entire elimination of the other. Islam however, dictates that all muslims (believers in islam) are duty bound to either convert, enslave or kill all non believers in islam.
The muslims have gone about the world forcing their religion on others for centuries. The Crusades were Europe's answer to this hostile invasion. Now the muslim population has grown to a size that gives them the power to try to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.
You do understand that islam is so restrictive that it hampers any advancement of mankind. Once islam was introduced, all advancement (science, architecture, art, mathematics, etc.) ceased in the Arab world.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in an islamic ruled world. If you read their quran, you can see that islam is more of a cult than a religion and restricts your life almost as much as if you were in prison (you'd actually have more freedoms in prison).
Something radical must be done soon or it will be too late, not only for you and me but our children, their children and the entire human race. Under islamic rule not only will there be no progress but man will eventually become extinct.


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