Tuesday, August 12, 2008

America attacked...

I'm having a problem understanding what prompts us; or gets in the way of us going to war when attacked.
On July 30, 1916, the Germans blew up the factories on Black Tom Island in New York City. Woodrow Wilson was running for re-election on the "No War ticket" and told the people of this country the lie that it was just an accident. Several months later after he was re-elected, we entered WWI.
On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (as scheduled) and Franklin Roosevelt entered us into WWII immediately. This was planned to bring us out of a depression.
We had been building ships, tanks planes and munitions in preparation and needed an excuse to go to war.
...and now we enter the era of political correctness...
On February 26, 1993 the World Trade Center was attacked, and although it was done by islamic militants, Bill Clinton did nothing about it because he was in the process of scaling down our military.
On April 19, 1995 the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed by islamic trained Americans and again Bill Clinton did nothing about it.
On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center is attacked again; and finally a President (George W. Bush) takes action against the islamic militants. Nonetheless, he too has to lie to the American people in order to start this most recent war. in Iraq.
With all of his faults, George Bush is the only president (since Roosevelt) with the balls to retaliate when we are attacked. Notice that as long as everyone knows that we'll hit back if attacked, they'll hold back. We haven't been attacked again in this country since 9/11/2001 because everyone knows we will attack them.
Why do the people of this country bad-mouth any president that will fight back for this country ?
Why do the people of this country want a President that wants to "negotiate" a peace when that will only open us to being attacked (note the Clinton years).


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