Sunday, August 31, 2008

A qualified President

I keep hearing so much talk about who is and who isn't qualified to be our next President. I'd like to clear up this matter by telling you to read your Constitution of The United States America.
It clearly defines the qualifications needed by a person that aspires to become President of The United States of America.
The only qualifications are;
(1) they be a natural born citizen
(2) they be at least 35 years of age
(3) they have been a resident of the United States for at least the last 14 years

Well, it seems that McCain and Palin certainly meets those requirements. There is no question about Biden; but Obama was born in Kenya not in the United States (or its territories).
The Republican National Committee has produced several different birth certificates for Obama and they were all proven to be fraudulent or forgeries. The only documented proof of Obama's birth is a Certificate of Live Birth issued in Mombasa, Kenya. It is dated 10 days before the first birth certificate in Hawaii is was issued.
So, Biden, McCain and Palin meet the Constitutionally required criteria to be running for President and Vice President. Are the Republicans going to get a qualified person to run for President or do the Democrats win by default (or no contest) ?


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