Friday, October 17, 2008

Where is Michelle ?

Where are they hiding Michelle Obama these days ?
Obviously, Obama's handlers regard his wife as a campaign liability so, in order to help keep her mouth shut, they've kept her from public appearances as much as possible.
It all started with her statement on Feb. 18, 2008 at a rally in Madison, Wisconsin where she said. "And let me tell you something - for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country".
What kind of person says that publicly when her husband is running for the highest office in the land ? I'll tell you a little about this black militant, anti-white, anti-Jew, venom spewing elitist.
She is a graduate of Princeton University where her graduation thesis was "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community", where she espouses her "blackness" and hatred of whites. She also announced that her influences of "black separatism" came from Stokely Carmichael and his book "Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America".
Michelle was raised on Chicago's South Side by a middle class, working family. She not only got her degree in sociology at Princeton, but received her law degree from Harvard (1988).
As an example of her anger; when questioned about a statement that Bill Clinton made about one of Barack's plans, she said, "I want to rip his (Clinton's) eyes out"!
This is a woman filled with anger and hatred toward all of us. Her elitist views look down on all whites, all Latinos, all Jews and most of the blacks that haven't been college educated. She is closed minded and fierce in her hatred.
Do you want this woman in the White House, whispering her hate into the President's ear each night ?


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