Friday, October 03, 2008

The Idiots of Washington

Well, Congress finally passed the $700 million bail out bill.
This means that they have socialized losses and privatized profits.
In order to do this, theyb had to bribe many representatives with add-ons; otherwise it wouldn't have passed again. They were determined to pass this bill even if they had to vote over and over, no matter how many times it took. These provisions increased thwe bill by over $105 billion more.
Where is all this money coming from ? How much of this is coming out of your pocket ?
Over 90% of the American public is against this bill, but our representatives ignored what we wanted and went against our wishes in order to enhance their "buddies".
VOTE OUT EVERY INCUBNANT... they just screwed you !
Some of the provisions in bailing out the banks were:
Getting rid of a 39 cent tax on 30 cent wooden toy arrows.
A subsidiary for bicycle commuters.
Increasing deduction costs for TV & fil makers to $20 million.
Extending depreciation for NASCAR and race tracks.
Tax credits for companies in Samoa.
A $13.50/ gallon rebate for Puerto Rican Rum.
...and the list goes on with dozens and dozens of "goodies".
The one that is really sneaky is the provision that all employers add mental health coverage to their medical coverage for their employees. What this is about is that the employees contributions would then increase to the point where they would drop their insurance. This would then have an additional 40 million uninsured and they could then nationalize the health care industry.
The best that this bill can do is to put off the inevitable fall of the institutions that they're trying to protect.
VOTE OUT EVERY INCUMBANT..........your representatives just screwed you !


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