Monday, October 20, 2008

To earn or to steal ???

Is the Obama campaign that desperate that if they can't earn the win, they'll steal it ?
Early voting has already started in many states and there are reports of Mickey Mouse having voted 27 times, Ronald McDonald has voted 4 times already, Max Fart has voted twice in the same precinct today. Those and other false voters have all voted Democrat tickets.
Apparently, ACORN has done a great job "signing up" new (false) voters. This is the new way to "stuff" ballot boxes. Obama is used to this kind of "Chicago election" tactic. He won his seat in the Senate by challenging his opponents registrations and ended up running unopposed.
To make matters worse, McCain-Palin signs are being stolen from all over the country. In New York, a dumpster was found filled to the top with these signs. In Los Angeles, a man was caught stealing these signs. He claimed that he was being paid 50 cents for every sign he stole and had made over $300 already.
This going way beyond the occasional prank. This is a well planned effort to minimize the McCain-Palin advertising. Not only is it unethical, but illegal also.
Are they (the Democrats) that desperate that they have to stoop to this level ? Between stealing signs and "stuffing" ballot boxes to give them an edge, they've disgusted those voters that are becoming aware of these underhanded shenanigans.
Can you imagine how this country will be run if it becomes an Obamanation ??? Fortunately, I was born with something that prevents me from voting for's called brains.


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