Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Watch what you say...

Be very careful if you should ask any "challenging" questions of either Obama or Biden.
All over the country, people (and their families) that have asked embarrassing questions of either Obama or Biden are finding that they've become targets of either defamation of character smears, income tax audits, excessive parking tickets and pranks.
They've taken these tactics right out of the nazi playbook, which makes any means to shut up dissidents as necessary.
As an example; in an interview for a radio station in Chicago, a female reporter exposed Biden in an outright lie about Obama's tax plan. That day, the interview was pulled from the air, the reporter fired and her husband received his notification of a tax audit two days later.
They won't only attack you, but they'll go after your spouse, your parents, your children and even your employer. There were hundreds of websites where you could find out the truths about any candidates "promises" or facts before the obama campaign had all but a few pulled from the internet. It becomes more difficult every day to find the few remaining sites where Obama and Biden are truly exposed for the lies that they are telling us. The bottom line is that they intend to socialize this country and destroy our opportunities to better ourselves and tax the productive class into poverty. They plan to make as many of us as possible to become dependent on gov't. in order that we continually vote them into office.
These two men are extremely dangerous for not only you, but our country as a whole. If they get into the White House, consider your way of life to be radically diminished. That's the CHANGE that Obama means.
I realize that your first choice might not be McCain; however, a vote for Obama is a vote for you (unless you're a slacker) to lose much of what you're working for. They plan to reverse the so called American Dream by taxing you into poverty...that's how they'll make it "fair" for everyone. They want a second Bill of Rights that will guarantee everyone a house, health care, a college education, an automobile, etc. Even though there are no provisions in our Constitution for the gov't. to provide for us, they plan on revising that at your expense.
It's actually become un-American to elect Obama.
Don't say that I didn't warn you if he wins when the s--t hits the fan and you're helpless to do anything about it.


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