Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A growing concern...

Hardly an hour goes by without some news about what Obama is doing next. Even though I thought he was a really bad choice for any governmental position because of his lack of character and connections with less than upstanding citizens (most of his friends can't even pass an FBI check to visit the White House), I still wanted to "give him a chance" to be a good President.
First of all, I'm very skeptical about some of the choices that he's making for his cabinet and other advisers.
After watching him and his wife on 60 Minutes on Sunday night, I was very impressed at how he never answered a "yes/ no" question but instead gave a lengthy, vague reply. What really scared me was how many times his wife interrupted and contradicted him. How dare she do that, especially on national television ? Who does she think she is, Hillary ??? It looks like he'll just be a "figurehead" while Pelosi runs the Democratic House of Representatives and Michelle runs the White House.
The last straw is when they announced that he was moving his mother-in-law into the White House also. Unfortunately, he doesn't stand a chance to do anything about anything before getting permission from his wife and her mother and the approval of the Speaker of the House (Pelosi).
As I write this, he's even considering bringing Hillary Clinton on board. I thought that he was an extremely bright man, but it appears that again (as in Chicago), he's making choices that come with grave consequences. Normally I wouldn't care, except what these people he's surrounding himself with will actually be running our country. They all have very specific agendas that have nothing to do with making your and my life any better and probably worse.
Obama hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already, publicly reneged on all of his campaign "promises". His mantra was "change"...while everyone that he's dealing with (from his Vice President on down) is from previous administrations of the same "good old boy network". To me, that means nothing will change and it'll be business as usual with liberalism ruling for the next four years. You know that you're about to see this administration put the world not only into a great depression, but will be the cause of WW III.
I can no longer be willing to "give him a chance" as he's already abused that privilege. Get ready for the worst standard of living that you've ever had during your lifetime.


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