Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello Turkeys

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, I'm calling all of you that voted for Obama, turkeys.
The reason for that is that turkeys are really stupid.
You believed all of his lies that he told you to get elected. This is a Chicago trained politician that will say anything to get your vote and you never read "between the lines". He promised things he had no intention of delivering.
Example: Just today he said that he changed his mind and would be committing more troops to the Middle East. He also has reneged on cutting the tax breaks for the wealthy.
Apparently, his "Yes we can..." was really NO WE CAN'T. The only change that you'll see is your savings and 401Ks withering away so programs for the non-productive can be funded. In-other-words, your money in someone else's pocket.
What a bunch of turkeys you are. He'll slaughter all of you. Of course, he'll blame it on his carefully chosen cabinet. Every person that he's picking is being set up to take the blame (including the Bush administration) for his upcoming total failure as a President of this country.
Meanwhile, he's allowing Russia to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, but we're not allowed.
When does he start begging the muslims to not hurt us anymore ?
When does he nationalize our health care so it can become among the worst in the world ?
When does he give away everything that this country has worked for over the past 200+ years ?
When does he start issuing Executive Orders, negating everything from the past ?
When will all of you turkeys WAKE UP ???
Don't ever, ever say that I didn't warn turkeys.


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