Monday, February 09, 2009

1st Presidential News Conference

I don't know if you watched (or listened to) Presidents Obama's first Presidential Press Conference tonight (2/9/09). I assumed that he would speak as an attorney, for which he's schooled in being.
Well, he certainly did just that...never answering a question directly, always throwing in confusing rhetoric and worst of all, stuttering, stammering and constantly re-saying his words. Without a teleprompter, Obama is a very poor speaker.
This press conference was supposed to "sell" the American people on going for his Stimulus Package (SP). First, let us be real about this; the SP was really written by Pelosi and her cohorts. It is hundreds of pages of items that have nothing to do with the economy or jobs. No one has completely read it through or knows why they're voting for or against it. It is designed to not only spend (waste) money for "pet projects" but to set the foundation of nationalizing every industry in the nation.
As an example, look at some of the provisions in the Healthcare sections. It states that a new department (more government) would be formed to oversee Medicare spending and would be the gatekeepers that would determine if the cost of medical care (operations, medicines, etc.) would be worthwhile for those over 65 years old. Yes...this is one of those items in this package.
Our Vice President, Joe Biden just said that the SP has a 30% chance of failure. When Obama was asked about that, he laughed at Biden (his V.P) and never said that the chances for success were greater. Additionally, he kept commenting on "we'll try this, we'll try that..."
He even threw a new phrase into our governmental jargon. The words "Ideological Blockage"; meaning that if you're not thinking his way, then you're wrong.
He's making some very bad an example is appointing a tax evader as head of the Treasury and IRS. That's the same as having a fox guard the hen house.
The jobs he's talking about creating are only temporary and go away when the projects are completed. More money to the banks is absurd. As an example, Wells Fargo declined any federal "bail out" funds, and after Barney Frank forced them to take it, they bought Wachovia with the money. Wow, that sure stimulated the economy.
The really worst part of this "show" was Obama's demeanor. A friend of mine that teaches body language and facial movements, commented that when Obama tried to answer (or not answer) any question, he was not being truthful.
Well, you voted for this guy with no track record in the Senate and no real governing experience and now we're all stuck with him. The bag boy at the supermarket could make better decisions. I so want him to succeed but so far he's paving a path to perhaps ending up as the worst President we've ever had. If he keeps moving in the direction he's going with the appointees he's surrounding himself with, we're not only destined to throw this nation and the rest of the world into a great depression, but opening the doors for Al Quada to make large inroads into America. Please let me be wrong..........


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