Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto indusrty bailout...

I can't believe how crazy everyone is.
First of all, any company (regardless of how big) that continues to lose money because of it being run inefficiently should be allowed to fail. If they want to "rethink" how they're doing business, there are bankruptcy laws that are available to them. Bankruptcy would allow the "big three" to not only restructure but to get out of the burdensome union contracts that are costing them more than they can make.
Second of all, how dare our federal gov't. use our (taxpayers) money to put billions of dollars into the incompetent CEO's pockets ?
On the other hand, let's see what really is happening. This isn't a bailout of the companies...this is a bailout of the UAW (United Auto Workers). Today, the bailout would have taken place except for this fact. When the Senate said that they would approve the bailout if the auto companies would roll back the salaries of its workers and management to match that of Toyota and Honda (in this country), the UAW screamed that they would not.
...and to make matters worse, Pres. Bush has said that he'll make an executive order giving the auto makers $17 billion of our money.
Don't get me wrong. I know the purpose of unions and see their need. However, if one were to read the UAW contract, they'd wonder how any management, anywhere could have agreed to its terms. The main purpose of union contracts are to insure that management can't take undo advantage of its workforce, not to let the workers take control of the company's profits.
I know that I can start a business, pay my workers unreasonably high wages, pay those that there is no work for, give them all huge benefits and produce a product that no one wants. If I do this, will the gov't. give me more money to continue ? If that's the new business model, then let's all get started before the gov't. runs out of money. I'm going to manufacture electric toilet plungers that use digital technology and sell them for $500 each. After a month of no sales and paying my employees $100/ hr. (whether they show up or not), I'll then go to Washington and plead for billions of dollars to stay in business. When they give me the money, I'll buy myself a yacht and a jet plane to park at the property that I'll buy in the Bahamas. Join me in this ridiculous venture......


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