Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Stimulating the economy.

Have you seen the "stimulus package" that's being presented to our Congress?
First of all, there isn't one thing in it that puts money in your pocket.
It expands almost every governmental agency. That is what they call job creation.
It is a shopping list for the Democrats that they've been trying to push through for years. No wonder that not one Republican has voted for it.
Obama keeps breaking all of his campaign promises and "bringing both sides together" (meaning Democrats and Republicans) isn't happening. As a matter of fact, his stimulus package is separating them even more. Like you, I too was "hoodwinked" into thinking that Obama was this extremely bright individual that had my best interests in mind. I'm starting to see that he is making dumber decisions than his predecessor (Bush).
The "change" that he spoke about was never defined and we now get to see what it is. It's the making government so big that they can nationalize every industry. The stimulus package that's been given out so far, nationalizes the banking industry. Next, the government is going after the automotive industry. Obviously, construction and transportation will be next.
I also am starting to see a trend in why this administration is being so frivolous with the taxpayer's money. Notice that some of Obama's appointees are income tax evaders; and that's the one's we know of. How many others are "staying under the radar" ? It's not their money being thrown away but only ours.
It becomes more obvious every day that Obama is our President in name only and is being run by his handlers that have a clandestine agenda of moving our country closer to that "one world government" that reduces us from being a "first world country" to just another country in the pile. This has already been accomplished in Europe with their European Union (which is failing).
To shovel money into projects that produce nothing but only temporary jobs such as building more infrastructure or throwing money at an already failing educational system doesn't help the economy at all. Bailing out industries that are mismanaged does nothing for our economy.
If you really are sincere about helping turn around our economy, it's really easy. First, reduce or eliminate all capital gains taxes for at least a five years so that there is an incentive to invest and spend. Next, reduce and freeze all existing mortgages to 5% or below to help save the homes of people that are being foreclosed on. And, deregulate most industries to allow us to compete with other nations. I guarantee you that this will not only turn around our economy very quickly but make us one of the most prosperous countries in the world again.
In addition, stop all foreign aid (especially to our enemies), eliminate most subsidies and let the marketplace seek its own level, make lobbyists illegal and make single item bills mandatory (no more pork snuck into bills), limit all government spending (with the exception of military) and let poorly run businesses fail so that well run ones can be more successful.
Do all this and we not only can eliminate our income tax but the government will end up with enough surplus to pay down our national debt.
We will be prosperous, stronger, happier, healthier and the envy of every other nation in the world. Because of your politics and avoidance of being more educated in what our representatives are doing, you've just gone along with things for too long and now you're the victim of it. In your heart, you know I'm right.


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