Monday, March 02, 2009

Good thinking...

It seems that our new President has some great solutions for some great problems.

He's solved the problem of people that don't pay their taxes. If he appoints a tax evader to his cabinet, then they pay up. What a great plan. Just keep appointing people and the dollars role in. Sounds kinda similar to that stunt that the Ill. Gov. pulled.
I guess that means that if I don't pay my taxes, I can get a cabinet position ?

He said that the recovery will not happen all at once. To make sure of that, he's putting an increase of taxes on those that make over $250K per year. That group is mostly made up of private businessmen. They create over 60% of the jobs in this country.
This now gives the business owner an increased incentive to be open for business only 3 days a week, lay off the help and spend frivolously on the business (such as exotic vacations, expensive sport cars, etc.) Now his earnings will be under the $250K, he'll work less, have a much smaller payroll and enjoy unaffordable luxuries that he couldn't get before. As an added incentive; if his business goes down the toilet because he's not around as much, the gov't. will bail him out with huge amounts of taxpayer money.

He has a great plan on how to recover from this "recession", and also cut the national debt in half. The plan is to SPEND an additional $10 Trillion dollars (daily interest would be over a billion/ day). So, if one were to add the $10 Trillion to the existing $3 Trillion, that would then be $13 Trillion. Aha, Presidential "New Math" shows us that 13 is one half of 3.

He has solved the mortgage problem. By the gov't. ownership of the banks, loans can once again be made to those that haven't the ability to pay. When they reach default, the borrower can then go into court and have a judge reduce the mortgage appropriately (to $Zero if necessary).
This helps our country by keeping families that don't produce anything but more children in homes that the charitable taxpayer buys for them. This is the advanced phase of Carter's "Habitat for Humanity" project.
So, here's how it works...regardless of your financial situation; you buy a large home. You put nothing down, make no payments and when the courts reduce your debt to Zero, you then sell the house for the same price that you paid for it (you don't need to contribute to inflation) and take those hundreds of thousands of dollars to go on vacation where you can't be found for skipping out on your other debts.
Where do I sign up ?

Does President Obama have a clue ? Obviously his agenda is to take us from a democracy to a socialistic state which will become nationalistic and hence, he picks up where Hitler left off.


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