Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, Obama finally got his Stimulus Package (SP). Of course they (the Senate) had to charter a plane to fly in one more Senator in order to get the 60th vote needed. The reason that no Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against it was simple; the bill (over 1,000 pages of legislation) was handed out at midnight prior to the voting day. Since no one, yes I said NO ONE had a chance to read it, how could they vote for it ? On the other hand, the Democrats said that if their Democrat President wanted it, that they should vote for it.
Would you sign a contract without first reading it ? I guess that you would since you voted for these people (including Obama) without reading all about them.
Now we're not only stuck with a liberal Congress that caused this problem in the first place, but we also have a President that takes his "marching orders" from his handlers. No matter what you might say about our previous President, he still could think and act for himself. Notice how Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi have kept Obama out of Washington while this voting was going on. President Obama is about to sign into law a bill that he hasn't read and is assuming that everything that he's told about it is so. Why not ? It's not his money, it's not any member of Congresses money. It's your money that will be wasted on "pet projects" that have nothing to do with strengthening our economy.
Obama uses the word "audacity" in some of his speeches and you hardly noticed it. Now you have the chance to see what he can our President have the AUDACITY to sign a bill that he hasn't read and has no knowledge of what's in it other than what he's been told by corrupt legislators ? For a man with a 127 IQ, he certainly is acting like a fool.
I keep trying to want to see Obama as a success, but he is "hellbent" on making this country worse than when he took office. Maybe, I've got it wrong; isn't one of the goals of our government supposed to be that of making our country better ?
On another note; where is all this money coming from ? I'll tell you where it will come from. Since most of the nations that loan us money have "cut us off", we'll have to get the printing presses rolling and print up that money, thus putting more dollars in circulation and finally rampant inflation. This bill has sealed you fate. You will never again enjoy the way things were, your income will decrease, your expenses will increase, your opportunities will minimize, your children's futures will be limited and you'll probably blame everyone for this when it is your fault for voting blindly...just like Obama will when he signs this wasteful bill.
If you think that this is the end to appropriating more government money, you a fool too. This is just the start of getting more hundreds of billions of dollars wasted. By the time that this administration sees the failure of these bills, they'll have spent over two and a half trillion dollars for nothing.
The best way to see how bad this is, is to watch where the money is spent and whose pockets it ends up in...certainly not yours or mine. You can bet that every croney of a Democrat Congressman (and Congresswoman) will become very wealthy from this while the middle class gets wiped out. The assigning the money to specific industries will have stings attached so that those industries will become nationalized without ever using that word. It's already happened to banking; next will probably be the medical and insurance industries followed by transportation and construction.
Does this sound familiar ? This is exactly what Hitler did in Germany...nationalize one industry after another until the Nazi regime ran everything. It's called fascism (a not so polite name for liberalism).
Prepare for hard times ahead or you'll end up as one of the poor that will vote for any promise of help or as Obama says, "HOPE".


At 8:28 AM, Blogger €ric said...

This is kind of funny - I mean I followed the development of this bill online as time permitted, newspapers, the media, bloggers, they all followed this bill and the changes made to it online, but we are supposed to believe that Republicans waited until a paper copy was handed to them? How does this make sense? I can't remember when there was more coverage of the evolution of any bill in Congress. Granted, a lot happened in a short period of time, and mistakes were made. Many Congressmen may not have read the entire bill But it was there if they wanted to, just like it was there for me or you or anyone with a computer an an internet connection.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger €ric said...

"Since we published the first version of the stimulus back on January 24, Huffington Post readers have spent countless hours combing through its evolving versions to figure out precisely what the taxpayers are being asked to fund. We're asking you to do it one more time. And this time, you have to do it fast. The House is expected to convene at 9:00 Friday to begin debating the bill and vote on it sometime in the afternoon. Then it's on to the Senate."


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