Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A solution

After re-reading the Constitution of the United States of America, I realized that our economic and political problems can be easily solved. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the gov't. has the right or obligation to meddle in private enterprise.
First of all, let's solve one problem at a time and concentrate our focus before attempting to solve the next problem.
On the banking problem.
Indict all of those in Congress that forced the banks to make bad loans to people that were either too stupid or couldn't afford a home.
Stop all "bailout money" to the banks and brokerage firms and let the the fittest survive while the others fail.
Cancel all bad loans and call for the properties in default to be auctioned off in order to recover at least a partial amount of these bad loans.
Make all deposits (savings, CDs, etc.) tax exempt.
On the health care problem.
Eliminate all HMOs and PPOs. Since it no longer pays to study medicine for 12 years to become an M.D., let doctors go back to their private practices and affiliate themselves with hospitals of their choice.
Instead of giving away tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid to enemies like N. Korea and Iran, put that money into shoring up Medicare and Medicaid.
Increase subsidies to drug companies to cover costs of research into new drugs so that these drugs will reach the marketplace (in this country) at reasonable prices.
On National Security.
Resign from the United Nations and move them out of this country.
Cancel all treaties and renegotiate them.
Discontinue being the "police force" to the rest of the world. Unless we are at a Declared War, our military should be protecting our borders.
Build up our military so that if we are ever attacked (9/11 as an example), we can retaliate with overwhelming force and obliterate the country (or countries) responsible for the actions of their citizens or military.
Deploy 50,000 soldiers to guard our borders with the authority to "shoot to kill" anyone sneaking across our border (in either direction).
Make "English Only" our national language.
Stop all student visas.
Arrest and put on "chain gangs" all illegal aliens and those that have overstayed their visitor visas for life in order to work on either rebuilding our roads, bridges and other infrastructure.
On our National Budget.
No "pork or pet projects" are to be included in the budget.
No monies are to be spent on the Arts and other "hobby type" enterprises. These things will be sponsored by those that want them to continue.
Stop all foreign aid.
Reinstate Social Security as it was originally intended as a separate account, drawing interest, with a cap on the percentage (5% or less) than can be taken from a workers salary.
Restructure the income tax to either be the "Fair Tax Plan" or a flat tax not to exceed 15%.
Eliminate all inheritance tax.
Tax all producers of raw materials (oil, coal, minerals, etc.) a flat 6% of what they take out of the ground.
Eliminate all subsidies to farms over 1,000 acres and all businesses that have a gross income over $1,000,000/ year.
On crime.
All white collar crimes (fraud, embezzlement, etc.) have a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years at hard labor.
All violent offenders be given a mandatory sentence of 25 years for their first crime and life imprisonment for any future crime (felony).
All prisons shall become self-sustaining by the prisoners either producing products to be sold in the free market or by producing their own food as well as food for sale.

With just these few adjustments, not only does our national debt disappear, the working class keeps more of their income (to spend or invest), we virtually eliminate the illegal alien problem and open up entry level jobs for this next generation, make medical care less costly, increase food production and other businesses, minimize crime, make this country one of the richest in the world, be more secure when we go to sleep and honor the original intent of our founding fathers (our Constitution).


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