Sunday, March 29, 2009


Even though President Obama's popularity is starting to decline (because more people are becoming aware that he's going about "saving us" in the wrong way), there are those that will forgive him regardless of how badly he performs. This is the same as loving your child and when they screw up, they are opposed to the kid next door that no matter what he does, he gets your scorn (such as Bush).
Obama promised us HOPE. What exactly is hope ?
It has often been said, "If you Hope in one hand and crap in the other; which fills up first ?".
For a lot of you, hope fills a gap of neediness but accomplishes nothing.
I hope that I could win the lottery...does that have anything to do with my actually winning the lottery? Of course not. The only way that I can win the lottery is by buying a ticket and letting random chance make me the winner.
Hope is non-experiential. Nothing happens. There is no experience involved. Hope is just an excuse for doing nothing.
Try this experiment: With every fiber of your being, hope for a million dollars to appear before you. Hope for it over and over, day after day. Keep doing that until the million dollars appears. It doesn't work! You know it won't make anything happen; so why do you keep hoping for things to happen ? Are you stupid or just mesmerized by Obama ? No rational person would continue to hope and hope, expecting their wishes to happen.
Obama has convinced the "have nots" that all they have to do is sit around and that he'll make everything alright for them. Apparently, none of us have to participate in solving any of this country's problems. We just have to HOPE and Obama will take care of the rest. Who does he think he is, God ??? We are now in a major crisis with our economy and there are several ways to turn it around.In Chinese, the word for crisis is composed of two words, Danger and Opportunity. Left to Obama, we face great danger; if we take advantage of the opportunities that are now made available because of this crisis, we can prosper.Obama (and the Democrat Congress) see their opportunity to turn this nation in a socialistic country where the government can control our lives, our incomes, our businesses and even our freedom.Pay no attention to what Obama is "promising" you, he can't deliver it. Start to prepare for your own survival and stop hoping.


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