Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A good alternative.

I just finished listening to President Obama's speech and the Q&A from the press. One thing that stood out was that he never answers a question directly and leaves one wondering what they asked. The next most obvious thing is that he is absolutely "clueless" in how to run a country and an economy this size. Third, but not least is that he isn't that great an orator, with his "umm" and "ah" throughout his diatribe.
If he is always quoting past Presidents such as Roosevelt and Lincoln, why doesn't he take a look at how they brought this country out of recessions. In each case, they built a "war machine" that was second to none and everyone not only went to work, but we were the strongest nation in the world both economically but militarily.
The alternative to all this "scurrying about" that the President and Congress are doing to "solve" the problems (as they see them) is to take that $7 trillion dollar budget and spend it on the military. This puts everyone back to work, gives us the ability to defend this country easily, bring GNP into astronomical heights and strengthens the dollar. By not meddling with the banks or AIG, those institutions will fold, bringing down other institutions and the system will restructure ITSELF and emerge stronger. Of course, the automotive industry will prosper building tanks, trucks, etc., while the aircraft industry will become larger than ever, shipbuilding will reach new heights and the computer and chip industry will be motivated to increase their growth. All of America will be back to work...
Only a few nations are even thinking about helping resolve the world's economic problems while everyone else is sitting back laughing at us as we spend ourselves into oblivion.
Screw the rest of the world...they survived before there ever was a United States of America and will survive without our intervention. Why is Washington so damn concerned with anything that isn't American ? It certainly not in our best interest. Putting America first, foremost and even only should be our government's only concern.
It's no wonder that this administration will fail. Under the leadership of an unqualified thug that thinks he's still a "community organizer" in just a larger neighborhood, trying to solve a myriad of problems all at the same time is guaranteed failure.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger â‚¬ric said...

Of the roughly $11 trillion in federal debt accumulated to date, more than 90 percent can be attributed to the tenure of three presidents: Ronald Reagan, who used to complain constantly about runaway spending; George Herbert Walker Bush, reputed to be one of those old-fashioned green-eyeshade Republicans; and his spendthrift son George "Dubya" Bush, whose trillion-dollar war and irresponsible tax cuts accounted for nearly half the entire burden. Only Bill Clinton temporarily reversed the trend with surpluses and started to pay down the debt (by raising rates on the wealthiest taxpayers).

Republicans in Congress likewise demanded balanced budgets in their propaganda (as featured in the 1993 Contract with America), but then proceeded to despoil the Treasury with useless spending and tax cuts for those who needed them least. Even John McCain, once a principled critic of those tax cuts, turned hypocrite when he endorsed them while continuing to denounce the deficits they had caused.


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