Thursday, March 19, 2009

WTF ???

It just occurred to me that I never know where the President is or what he's doing. This is because, instead of being in the White House, doing his job; he's cavorting around the country making speeches to try to convince the ignorant voters that his "porkulous" bill is good for them.
So, is Obama merely a figurehead (like the Queen of England) and the country is really being run by the Speaker of the House and her cronies ? Where is our Vice President ? Isn't he participating ? Obama is now in "show business", appearing on a late night talk show (Jay Leno). No President has ever done this while in office. Even Bill Clinton went on these shows before and after serving in office.
First of all, why aren't we questioning Senator Chris Dodd (D. Conn), Representative Barney Frank (D. Mass), Senator Harry Reid (D. Nev & U.S. Senate Majority Leader) and Representative Nancy Pelosi ( D. Cal & Speaker of the House) about why they caused this mess in the first place ? It all started with Obama's group, Acorn suing for (and getting by an act of Congress) loans to people that couldn't afford them, forcing banks to write these loans, forcing insurance companies to guarantee these loans and so on, during the Clinton administration.

Here's a new one that I found in the "porkulous package"...There's a provision for energy efficiency for the making homes more energy efficient. The catch is that the work has to be paid at the local union rate, which of course is much higher. This is the Democrat Davis-Bacon Act.
As an example of this:
By getting my windows recaulked, it would then help keep more cold out in the winter and heat in the summer. My neighborhood handyman said he could do this for $12 an hour and that included materials. The union wage (Glazers Union) is $37.50 an hour, not including materials.
I guess I'll go to Home Depot to buy a caulk gun and caulking material (less than $20) and start caulking windows in my neighborhood for union wages. If I take my time (show up late, take a 2 hour lunch and leave early), I can caulk all the windows in your house in about 3-4 days. This comes out to about $80 per window. new career.

By the way, if you're upset about the AIG and Merril Lynch bonuses, the Wall Street Journal just printed an article saying that Fannie Mae will be paying between $470,000 and $611,000 in bonuses to "some top executives".
To make matters worse, Attorney General Holder said that some of the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay will end up being released in the United States. Just what I want; a known terrorist legally in my country with the good wishes of my government.

Where does the insanity end ? Why isn't anyone doing something about all of this craziness ???


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