Friday, April 03, 2009


I noticed something that I can't make sense of...Obama called for the resignation of the CEO of General Motors and refused to bail out Chrysler, and yet he insists on retaining the CEOs of the big banks to continue running them. These are the people that are at the heart of the economic crisis that we are in today.

You must ask yourself these questions:

Why has both Paulson and Geitner rejected regulating the banks ?

Why did we give $7o billion dollars to shore up a failed foreign bank after they were fined $750 million for defrauding the American people ? The Swiss bank is UBS.

Since the law demands that failed banks be closed, why isn't this administration following the law ?

Why are the people that caused this problem not being replaced ?

Why are the banks all saying that they're solvent and yet saying that they need another $2 trillion to survive ? Which is the TRUTH ?

After the 1929 depression, Roosevelt called for a full blown investigation to find out what caused it. His administration then put into law several things to prevent those things from happening again. During the Clinton administration, these laws were either reversed or abandoned. Where's the investigation this time ? Obama refuses to have any of this fraud to be made public. He's afraid that it will cause a collapse of the banking system if the TRUTH be told. Obama thinks that he knows what's best for the American people so he supports the COVER UP of the fraud done by the bankers.
Obama is treating us like mushrooms. We're being "kept in the dark" and fed bulls__t.
The people that run Obama all have fears of going to jail, losing their ill gotten fortunes and being discredited publicly. Again, just FOLLOW THE MONEY and you'll see that Obama and most of the Democrats in Congress are all in cahoots regarding this COVER UP.
Don't you wonder why not one Republican member of Congress voted for Obama's new budget ?
It's because it puts not only you but your children and even your grandchildren in debt for their entire lives. Obama is at the G 20 meeting where he's seen as being very popular. Everyone there wants him to succeed because the other countries can get more U.S. dollars from America and don't have to join us in any wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).
This administration is breaking laws, violating our Constitution and COVERING UP the fraud that's being perpetuated on the American people.
Don't just take my word for it; look into it yourself and the little bit that you'll find will "blow your mind". However, you'll just sit back and say "No, this isn't happening". You're a perfect example of the "How to Boil a Frog" theory. You are the frog in the pot and the heat is very slowly and quietly being turned up.
As an American and sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, I'm appalled at your lack of action. Although, it is understandable that you voted for the "Hope" promises and have been lulled into thinking that Obama will solve all of your problems.
How loud do I have to scream in your ear before you wake up ???


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