Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More great ideas...

Obama has done it again. He has come up with demanding that auto manufacturers produce cars that get a minimum of 35.5 miles per gallon of gasoline.
On the surface, this sounds really good for the consumer. The truth is;
(1) The increased cost of these vehicles will add $1300 to $1600 to the price of the car.
(2) These cars will be much smaller and lighter, thus increasing the chances of an accident being fatal. This alone will increase the cost of auto insurance.
(3) Once a large percentage of these vehicles are on the road, less gasoline will be consumed so an additional tax (.25-1.00) will be added to the price of gasoline to make up the difference in revenue to the gov't.
(4) This is being done under the guise of making us less oil dependent and "helping the planet".
Bottom line is that you'll be buying a smaller, more dangerous car at a higher price and paying much more for the fuel. Therefore, there will be no savings for the consumer, more income for the gov't. and more road fatalities.

Another of Obama's plans is to fight obesity. He proposes to do this by increasing the cost of food by adding taxes to products with sugar or fats.
This way, not only are obese people penalized, but the rest of the normal and slim people will have to pay more for it. Of course, the revenue from this will help "fatten" the gov't.

In retrospect, Obama has already slaughtered the financial industry, totally killed the automotive industry, is planning to regulate our lives with a repressive health care plan and continues (unchecked) to disassemble everything that has made this country great. His goal (and apologies to other nations for our being great) is to reduce our standard of living so that other countries will no longer envy or dislike us.
I don't give a damn what another country thinks of the United States of America; I don't want to pay more for less to let this egomaniac ruin my lifestyle. Unfortunately, Obama comes up with schemes and never considers the consequences of those schemes. He cons everyone into believing that he is doing all of these destructive things in order to "save us" and boost our economy. Actually, if he did nothing, our economy is set up to correct itself.
He's just getting started at screwing with our lives...lots more to come. Once he has gotten enough of his schemes in place, it will be too late to do anything about it as our entire system will have been destroyed and we will never be the richest and most powerful nation again.
Those of you that voted for this mad man and still support him, will regret what you did. If you only looked at the "big picture" before you voted, Obama would have been your last choice, not your first.


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