Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aiding the enemy

What is the matter with this administration ? Not only has Obama opened up classified papers to our enemies regarding our interrogation methods of captured terrorists. Now they're calling for the prosecution of those interrogators that were just following orders, doing something that was not only accepted by their superiors, but in many cases gave us necessary information that helped stop planned future attacks (after 9/11) in this country.
This administration has focused on "waterboarding" as a form of torture. Waterboarding does no physical harm...the methods used in other countries include, attaching electrodes to prisoners genitals, the chopping off of fingers and toes, branding, blinding and of course, beheading.
The muslim world is holding their sides in laughter at us. They now know that if any of them are captured, they will be treated with dignity and respect as well as being allowed all of the legal and civil rights afforded our citizens.
The release of these confidential papers has totally demoralized the CIA, FBI, our troops, etc. They all are now reluctant to even take prisoners, with prosecution hanging over their heads.
Of course, we are taught right from wrong, but there are exceptions...we teach our children NOT to break into cars; however, if a child sees a burning car with an infant trapped inside, then breaking in is not only acceptable, but heroic.
The interrogation methods that are now banned, were used to extract information that lead to the stopping of a 9/11 type attack in Los Angeles back in 2002 by muslims. The plot to fly planes into tall buildings in Los Angeles was foiled and all those involved were arrested.
The release of these confidential and private papers and memos, now puts all of our security people Including our service people) in jeopardy. I don't want to believe that everyone (including our President) are this stupid. I don't necessarily believe in torturing people; however, when it comes to those "animals" that are muslims, anything becomes acceptable.
THERE ARE NO GOOD MUSLIMS ! They are obligated (by their religion) to convert, enslave or kill all non-muslims. We've differentiated between "islamic extremists" and "good muslims". That's ridiculous...ALL muslims are sworn to our demise. The "good ones" are those that mingle among us and are just waiting for their opportunity to do us harm. Their koran tells them that it's alright to lie to and deceive all non-believers into thinking they're your friend. They even start sentences with, "My friend..."
Obama should have never released those papers and prosecution of those that used methods to protect us is absolutely absurd. What is this man's (Obama) problem ? They say how smart he is...I'm having more doubts about that on a daily basis. No one could be making so many wrong decisions in just three months. I guess his goal is to break the country financially and then let our enemies take us over. Every one of his military advisers were against his releasing these papers to the public; but did he listen....Noooooo. Among his supporters are the Pelosi/Barney camp.
I'll bet that everyone of those victims of 9/11 would rather be waterboaded than dead.
The purpose of the military (and organizations such as FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) is to protect us from foreign threats and hostile actions. The public has no need to know the details of their methods. If we had released all of this information and curtailed our troops during WWII the way we're doing it now, we'd either be speaking German or Japanese (if we survived).
Obama's policies for our military, our economy and our overall welfare are not only counterproductive, but 180 degrees out of sync with what is correct and workable. Don't any of you see what he's doing to all of us ? Why are you letting this ego maniac with a messianic complex getting away with all of this ? Why are so many of you calling him "the Messiah" or "King Obama" ? If that's what you think, then read your bible where it tells of Satan coming in the disguise as the Messiah.
What a shame, that one man can have duped so many of you into voting for him and "worshiping" him.
How much more can you take before you act ???


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