Friday, May 01, 2009

Supreme Court needs an appointee...

Now that Judge David Souter of the Supreme Court of our nation has announced his retirement in June, Obama must appoint someone to take his place.
First of all, Obama must find someone with tax evasion problems...LOL
Since Obama has already expressed that he will nominate someone "who feels for the little people rather than follow the law..."
Since there is no requirement that a Supreme Court Judge have a law degree or have ever tried a case or even ever appeared in any court, anyone with any background can be appointed.
Of course, Obama's appointee will be a right-wing liberal young enough to carry out his agendas long after his Presidency is over.
So...will the nominee be;
A black liberal from Chicago
A Hispanic Female
A muslim (or illegal alien)
A handicapped member of the nazi party
At this point we really don't know; but you can bet it will be someone from the list above.
Since Judge Souter was "middle of the road" in his opinions, a radical right winger will swing the already liberal Supreme Court even farther to the left. Not only will they then interpret the Constitution (as is their only job), but they will now make new laws (which is not their job).
This will be another chunk knocked out of our Constitution and moving us closer to a Nationalistic Socialist country. Our freedoms are at stake. Obama is "hell bent" on turning this country over to those that have no vested interest in it. He wants to give all illegals amnesty; he wants to heavily tax the producers and reward the non-producers, he wants to penalize individual success and pass it on to those that do nothing.
He knows that if he can bring about more and more radical changes in this country, there will be a revolt and he can then declare Martial Law and become King Obama.
So far his ratings are slowly slipping because, even though he is very well liked, more and more people are against his policies. He's even being allowed to violate all laws without anyone speaking an example; what is the government doing owning control over the automotive industry ? The government is NOT ALLOWED to own any businesses.
Everything that Obama has on his agenda is being pushed through under the disguise of "getting our economy going again". Can't you see your freedom, your money and your way of life quietly being eradicated ? If you can't, it's because either you're too lazy to look closer at the consequences of his actions or you're just plain stupid and shouldn't even be Reading this.
Even his Vice President (Joe Biden) said that there was at least a 30% chance of Obama's "recovery plan" failing.


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