Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court nominee ???

Obama's done it again. He's nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
As a person, I have the utmost respect for her. She is of Porto Rican decent, raised in a tenement in New York City and schooled in the New York Public School system. In spite of all this, she rose above it all to become an Appeal's Court Judge. She represents everything that Obama apoligizes for. Although she has a great deal of experience "on the bench", we must examine her philosophy and court decisions.
First of all, she is a radical right winger.
Second, she believes in legislating from the bench.
Third, is that she's known as a "bully".
And, worst of all, she has "touchy-feely" views that make her opinions deviate from the Constitution.
Since the only job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution and rule accordingly, S. Sotomayor is therefore unqualified to be an impartial judge.
However, it really doesn't matter since our radical, liberal President has nominated her; our right wing Congress will therefore vote her in. Being that she's only 48 years old, she'll be another liberal on the Supreme Court for a long, long time.
Perhaps the real; reason that he picked her instead of a more qualified person is to get more women's votes and of course, the Hispanic vote in upcoming elections.
It seems that almost every day, Obama is pushing our country into a liberal, right wing Looooozer.


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