Thursday, May 28, 2009


Amazingly, Sonia Sotomayor as a 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals judge ruled in 2004 that "owning a gun was not a Constitutional right..."
Can you imagine, when a gun control case comes before her on the Supreme Court, she'll destroy the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution.
As a Court of Appeals judge, she refused to hear any Constitutional arguments in a reverse discrimination case.
She is a big supporter of amnesty for illegal aliens, denying States Rights and ignoring legal precedences.
In 1995 she ordered the suicide note (a forgery) of White House Aide Vincent Foster to be released to the public. Foster died under suspicious circumstances linked to Hillary Clinton.
A look at how Sotomayor got to where she is reveals some not-too-interesting facts.
She went to work as an Assistant D.A. in New York from 1979 to 1984.
From 1984 to 1992 she practiced law at a private law firm and was barely adequate as an attorney, always putting "feelings" above the law.
In 1992, Bush 1 needed to appoint someone to the U.S. District Court in New York. He picked her because she was the only candidate at the time that was a "female and person of color".
In 1998 Clinton needed to appoint a "minority" to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals where she has made obscure rulings such as the case where she declared gun ownership as not being protected by the Constitution. That case is being appealed at the Supreme Court where, if she is a judge at that time, will rule again that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right.
I've always been taught that a judge (at any level) was to be impartial, follow the law and leave their biases and feelings at home. Apparently, Sotomayor differs with the concept of justice being "blind".
Her appointment to the Supreme Court will be a great blow to all Americans as she will be rulingt from the far, far left with radical opinions that have nothing to do with following the laws of our land or our Constitution. This should worry all of you (unless, of course, you're either a criminal or an illegal alien).
The more I learn about her, the more I NEVER want to be in her courtroom.


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