Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Gathering facts...

In most of these blogs, I usually write about one subject and seem to focus on just that. What I did today, was to stand back and look at the "big picture" and gather the facts of what the real truth is about what's happening to our country.
Let's start with GM (Gov't. Motors). We've all been told that GM was killed but UAW contracts. Although some of the provisions in those contracts were a little excessive, what really killed our automotive industry was government meddling and putting restrictions on American companies that the foreign manufacturers didn't have. This is why the U.S.A. was no longer competitive and the auto market was overtaken by the foreign car makers.
Now that our government has been instrumental in the demise of one of our largest industries, they have decided to do something about it. GM is being sliced up as follows:
For $30.1 billion, the United States owns 60.8%
For $9.5 billion, Canada owns 11.7%
For concessions in their contracts, the UAW owns 17.5%
and the remaining 10% is owned by creditors.
So, what's the bottom line to all of this ? It's that Obama is now the CEO and Chairman of Gov't. Motors and will force the company to build tiny, dangerous cars that no one will want.
Don't you just love it when our government gets into our business ? Look what they did for the banks...there are more bank failures this year than in any previous year since the '30s.
More companies are shutting down and relocating abroad because of the overbearing restrictions and taxes being imposed on them.
In anticipation of the new "rules" for credit card companies, your credit card has had its maximum credit lowered and your interest rate raised.
Insurance will be the next industry to fall victim to this administration with a "health care" plan that will cost everyone huge sums of money.
As far as job creation goes...the only jobs being created is the expanding government. Little by little (although on a daily basis), this administration is taking over our country, our freedom and our money.
Obama has asked us to sacrifice for the next generation. Why ? He's already caused the next generation to be born broke and in debt.
He says that we should sit down and "talk" with N, Korea, Al Quada, Iran, etc. Why ? Both Clinton and Bush have tried and have been laughed at while the only thing that's been accomplished is that our enemies have been given more time and money to become stronger,
Obama is playing a game of 3 Card Monty with us...to distract our attention from what's really going on. One day we're focused on torture of people that want to kill us, the next day it's a bigot for the Supreme Court, the next day it's Pelosi lieing to us,and so on... not to mention the denial to states that want to clear their voter rolls of illegal and dead voters. Since ACORN was so instrumental in signing up these illegal voters (some small towns had more votes cast for Obama than the entire population of the town), ACORN has just been awarded a $5 billion grant to prepare for Obama's "reelection" in 2012.
I haven't even gotten to the hundreds of violations of our Constitution that this administration has already done.
When all of the "smoke clears", you'll wake up one day to find that if you do have a job, that it is in a government own and run company; that your savings have disappeared; that you are forced to be subject to an inadequate and failing health care system and that everything that you've worked for (your retirement, your home, your children's education and your freedom) are gone.
Aren't you scared enough yet ? Why are you letting Obama ruin this country and your future ?


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