Sunday, June 07, 2009

Speech in Egypt...

In furthering his (Obama's) agenda, Obama gave what seemed as a brilliant speech in Egypt.
[In a future Blog, I'll give you the details of Obama's real agenda]
To the average person, his speech appeared as an attempt to make relations between the Arab nations and the United States more amiable.
After reading and re-reading his speech, and looking "between the lines", most of the "think tanks" have come to a consensus. Obama has scared to Arab world into uniting against Iran by not condemning their nuclear weapon program but instead even (subtly) encouraging it. He never mentioned that even China and Russia were against it.
This was obviously a subliminal attempt to give Israel the "go ahead" to attack Iran and not have other Arab nations interfere. This way, the United States can be "the good guys" by not having to attack another muslim nation and letting Israel do the "dirty work". Therefore, the United States gets it's way without being blamed.
As far as his mention of a Palestinian state existing along with Israel...what he neglected to mention was that on many occasions, Israel has proposed that the Palestinians have their own state and in every case the Palestinians have rejected it because it also specified that Israel could be recognized also.
By now, the whole world is aware that a great war will soon break out in the middle east and everyone is scrambling to "pick sides". Of course everyone wants to (1) control all of the oil in Iran, (2) be on the side of the "winner", and most importantly (3) see the elimination of Israel.
This of course is the slimey way that Chicago politics is practised. It's a game (Eric Berne's book "Games People Play") called "Let's You & Him Fight".
Of course, by Obama going to Egypt and making his speech did nothing at all in cementing relations between the United States and the Arab was merely "for show" and to speed up hostilities towards Iran. By saying that "...the United States is a muslim nation" was an absurdity and the entire Arab world laughed at Obama over that.
Just as he's destroying our economy, he's now helping to destroy other parts of the world. Apparently, he knows that he "has the power" and is unstoppable (at this point) in his goal of becoming King or Dictator of the Americas. [More on that later]
Sit back and "watch the movie" as Obama manipulates everyone, here and abroad into the New World Order.


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