Thursday, June 04, 2009

Affirmative Action

I've been a big fan of affirmative action at its inception. I thought that it was great to help minorities (primarily blacks and women) to get an education or a better paying job. On the surface, the system appeared to be working well.
Now we find out (years later) what a waste of time and money it truly is. Of those that took advantage of the educational programs, less than 9.7% ever graduated (gov't. figures) and worse yet are the governments figures on the percentage (3.6%) of qualified employees that were hired because of affirmative action still on the job. Today, less than 1% of employees that were hired because of affirmative action, remain employed at the jobs they got.
From what I've observed; in the schools, when the grants were used up (buying new cars and fancy clothes & jewelry) students then dropped out. This can be confirmed at any college or university in the country.
In the workplace, those hired were either incompetent or "on the job" just for the benefits such as free medical insurance, paid time off, etc. When it came time to fire them because they couldn't (or refused to) learn the job, a legal hassle started for the employer. I myself have heard some say, "they can't fire me because I'm a minority and protected by Federal Law".
True, some really benefited, such as Sonia Sotomayor. However this is the exception to the rule and not typical. Although she and the others like her were taught to "rub our noses in it" by telling us, every chance they have, how they came up from dire circumstances. What about the rest of us that didn't qualify for affirmative action ? Didn't a lot of us come up from dire circumstances ? Some of the greatest people of this country, rose from dire circumstances without affirmative action, without grants, without student loans, etc. Look at the backgrounds of Kaiser, Ford, Mellon...and the list goes on.
The true minority in the workplace are white males over 40 years old. A black, an Hispanic, a woman or a slightly handicapped person under 35 stands a much better chance even if the white male is better qualified.
That statement sure sounds like bigotry. Actually it's Reverse Discrimination. Affirmative action was supposed to eliminate discrimination in either direction.
I congratulate all of you that have bettered your lives and incomes because of affirmative action...kudos to you. The rest of you phonies; thanks for ripping us all off by wasting our time, our money and our good intentions.


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