Thursday, June 04, 2009

History repeats

It's been said that "history repeats itself". Have you noticed the beginnings of history repeating itself when looking at what happened in Argentina with Juan Peron ?
Now let's look at what happened there...
In 1939, Peron went to Italy to study socialism under Benito Mussolini (the dictator of Italy). In 1946, Peron was elected as President of Argentina by 2/3 of the vote. Over half of those votes were from either dead people or people that never existed. This is similar to the popular vote for Obama.
In 1949, Peron created a new Constitution that permitted the President to be elected for life. When will Obama do this ?
In 1953, Peron started his dismantling of Argentina's industrial complex and nationalization of the banks. Does this sound familiar ? Is Obama following Peron's "playbook starting with the banks and now the takeover of the automotive industry ?
Peron started national health care that was not only extremely costly but of the poorest quality, at best.
By 1956, inflation in Argentina was rising by 34% a year. Eventually Argentina's inflation rate reached over 4,200% a year. Prices of goods were changed daily as this inflation kept going up.
We too have rising inflation to look forward to under this present regime.
Like Obama's Congress being primarily Democrats, Peron's Congress was primarily his party too. By 1972, Peron was no longer President but had become Dictator of Argentina and anyone that spoke up against him was exterminated (along with their friends and family).
Peron's death and the ouster of Eva finally turned Argentina around.
Notice Obama moving us in the same direction ? At what point do you start to do something to stop Obama's "creeping socialism" ? Do you need to have every industry taken over and rampant inflation before you realize that you've "been had" by this egomaniacal President that you helped elect. He really didn't need your vote as ACORN had assured his election if no one went to the voting booths.
Listen to his speeches....he rarely says "we will..." or "Congress will..." ; it's always "I will", "I will", "I will"...
Don't let us become another Argentina.................PLEASE !!!


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