Monday, June 29, 2009

Some more insight...

A lot of us have been wondering why Obama was pushing so hard for Congress to vote for his Climate Control legislation by last week.
Well, now the truth comes out...
Over the weekend, reports from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that were suppressed by Obama himself came out. In an exclusive to CBS, one of the scientists at the EPA came forward as a "whistle blower". Apparently, the EPA was told not to release any research that conflicted with anything that the President was espousing regarding global warming due to CO2 emissions. These suppressed reports clearly show that the temperatures today are about the same as during the 1920's. They also show the increase in the height of the polar caps and even suggest that the earth is actually cooling slightly.
The 1,000 page legislation package (that no one has read) includes sections that would put a 100% tax on all products imported from any countries that didn't have the same provisions as the United States for reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Obama said that he was against that but would not veto it (more of his "double speak").
This bill not only increases the price of all goods and services but looses 2.1 jobs for every "green" job that it creates. It also expands government with several new agencies and restricts our lifestyles even more.
The EPA report scientifically disproves all of the lies that Gore and others have been telling us.
Obviously, the EPA employee that has come forward with the real data that the EPA was ordered to suppress, is going to have his life made miserable. Anyone going against Obama and his administration is subject to being "destroyed". Obama is ruling by fear...that is why so many representatives changed their vote after Obama called (and threatened) them to vote FOR it.
How many more things that screw you have to be instigated by Obama before you get off your ass and do something about this man that is becomes the worst President we've ever had and has shown us that he is inept at running or managing any organization, let alone our country.
WAKE UP before your money is gone, your freedom is gone and your country is gone !!!


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