Thursday, June 18, 2009

Freedom of speech

Tonight, Obama is putting on an infomercial on television during primetime to con the public into accepting his impractical health care plan. This is a rehearsed event and staged to give the illusion that all of the questions and replies are "spur of the moment".
At first glance, I see nothing wrong with our President orchestrating a "town meeting" to get his point across. However, when one looks closer, this is what we find.
During this infomercial, the networks carrying this event have been instructed to NOT allow anyone with an opposing opinion to buy TV time. ABC (owned by Disney) has already denied several conservative groups from buying one minute commercials that tell the consequences of enacting Obama's plan.
Now that Obama controls the banks, the car companies, part of the insurance industry, etc.; he now wants to control our health care. Looking even further into this administration's aspirations, we find that they completely control what is allowed and what's NOT allowed to be printed in our newspapers and what is discussed on our television stations.
I thought that the Constitution gave us the freedom to express opinions for either side of a controversy. I never thought that the Constitution left out the specific that"it didn't apply in the case of Obama".
Well, now I'm really restricted to knowing what's going on as my newspapers and TV news are only giving me information that is approved by Obama. When does he take over the Internet ?
When does he step up and announce that the Constitution is now void ? When does he make a Presidential Order declaring himself as Dictator ?
I warned you, but you still believed his lies and voted for this guy...............very stupid move on your part. You were too lazy to seek out the truth. The truth is that he hasn't a clue about running this country and is best qualified as being a community organizer thug in Chicago politics. Now, how much more of your country, your lifestyle, your income, your cost of living, your freedoms have to be taken before you do something ? Even though you think that you're helpless, you really have the power to stop "Obama the Clueless", "Obama the Devastator", "Obama the Messiah" and eventually "Emperor Obama".


At 6:34 AM, Blogger €ric said...

House Republicans presented a four-page outline of their health care
reform plan Wednesday but said they didn’t know yet how much it would
cost, how they would pay for it and how many of the nearly 50 million
Americans without insurance would be covered by it.

We got bigger problems than who's got their dick in whom.

A four page outline. You couldn't pass poly-sci 101 with that kind of hogwash.


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