Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Honesty & Transparency

Obama is a lieing thug and nothing more..............................

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is declining to release documents that would identify visitors to the White House, embracing a legal position taken by the Bush administration, according to a watchdog group that filed a federal lawsuit over access to the records.

The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, filed its lawsuit after being denied access to Secret Service records, including White House entry and exit logs, that would identify coal and energy industry visitors.

The government's refusal to release the records contrasts with President Barack Obama's pledge of transparency.

The Secret Service also turned aside a request by msnbc.com for the names of all White House visitors since Jan. 20.


When asked about why he isn't releasing these public records, Obama said, "I didn't allow it in Chicago and I won't allow it here". Chicago thug politics...

When asked why he hasn't keeping any of his campaign promises, Obama answered, "People really don't believe the promises you make during a campaign".

Are you still believing in this egomaniac ? Do you still worship at his feet ? Are you really this stupid ??? By now, everyone (with more than half of a brain) realizes that he is clueless in how to run anything in government or business. He's nothing but a puppet of the Democratic party special interests. He is certainly not acting as the President of this great nation should act. Even the worst of our Presidents (you decide who) conducted himself more responsibly to the people. His agenda has nothing to do with making America a better place...


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