Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hate Crimes

Interestingly, during the Clinton years, hat crimes and new hate organizations doubled in number and little to nothing was done about it. During the Bush years, a task force was set up to curtail this growth and the number of hate crimes and organizations actually decreased.
Now, under the Obama administration, the number of hate organizations has tripled in just the first six months of this year.
Just recently, a Doctor was murdered for performing abortions...a hate crime against women. How can a "right to life" person then kill in the same mode ?
At a recruitment center, two GIs were shot by a muslim as a protest to the middle east military action. Yet we're releasing terrorists in this country when their prosecution slips through legal loopholes.
At the Holocaust Museum, a white supremacist murdered people because he claimed the holocaust was a hoax.
Apparently, this administration is condoning thee actions as not one word has been uttered by anyone from Obama down, regarding hate crimes or hate organizations.
If you go to the Internet, you'll find hundreds of sites promoting hate against other Americans.
Sure, I'm against illegal aliens and muslims, but I don't subscribe to being politically correct and use my freedom of speech to air my grievances...I do not belong to, nor ever will join an group that thinks the solution to our discontent would be violence.
The reason that I am prejudiced against illegal aliens is because they are breaking the law, breaking our economy and dividing our country. The reason that I'm against muslims is not because of any religious prejudice; it's because I've read their koran and spoken with many of them over many years, and know that they are hell bent on killing all Americans. They say that islam is a "religion of tolerance"...that's bullshit. They only tolerate strict adherence to their rules.
So, why is the Obama administration doing anything about these hate groups ??? Because it's politically incorrect to say a word against them. This is just another "nail in the coffin" of our freedoms that the liberals left has put in the way of America. Just try it; go out there and voice your anger about illegals or muslim terrorists, and every liberal within a mile will attack you (some even with violence).
Remember, hate groups have an agenda that they're willing to go to jail for. You on the other hand are so afraid of being politically incorrect that you will let them grow and expand until you personally become threatened...then it will be too late.
Contact your representatives to do something about prosecuting these hate groups or become a victim (directly or indirectly) of them.


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