Friday, June 26, 2009

Where does it stop ???

Again, we have the Obama/ Pelosi uninformed political machine at work. Obama is making every effort to PUSH the U.S. Climate Bill through before anyone can read the 1,000+ pages of this bill.
If one had the time and inclination to look through it, they would find that over 900 pages of it are loaded with "pork barrel projects" that have nothing to do with the bill itself.
The Democrats were told to add whatever they wanted to this bill so it would get their votes.
Let's look at some facts;
(1) No one has read the entire 1,000+ page bill and yet the Democrats are ready to vote for it. What's wrong with that picture ?
(2)Other countries that have (or had) a climate bill, had only 10-15 pages for their bills.
(3) Starting with Australia and continuing throughout the European Union, every country that has (or had) a climate bill has either rescinded it since or is in the process of doing so after they saw the error of such a bill.
(4) It is a massive tax on all consumers and producers with no return benefits.
(5) True, it will create thousands of new jobs; however, the labor department says that for every new job created, 2.1 jobs will be lost.
(6) Even if it would actually clean up the environment (and it won't), we will be the only country doing this. Do we expect that we alone can clean up the air for the entire planet ? We know how arrogant Obama is, but this is the height of it.
(7) Everything from water, to food, to fuel, to power, to farm supplies, to raw materials, etc., etc., etc. will cost a lot more. In today's struggling economy, that's just what is needed...our cost of living to substantially increase.
Even though Obama hasn't a clue about running a country (or any organization for that matter), he certainly has the aptitude for destroying a nation (piece by piece) so that no one will notice until too much is gone. So far he has reneged on his campaign promises, has only created jobs in Washington (nowhere else), destroyed several industries (banking, automotive, etc.) and now has his claws out for the insurance industry. Further down on his list of industries to destroy are transportation, farming, investing...
The overall goal is to have the government control every facet of our lives and shift any wealth from the producers of that wealth to the non-producers.
I bet you still think that Obama is the messiah. You'll love him as he leads you into poverty and eventually you won't even notice that you're a slave of the state because your shackles will be monetary, not metal chains.
Sit back, say nothing, vote for those that are already ruining you. However, when you finally do (if ever) wake up, don't come sniveling to me for your ignorance, stupidity and laziness. Just bow to your new master.


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